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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. ...You know what? I really don't feel like putting up my usual updates for a third time, so I'll let you have this one to yourself, BlueBlur. Instead, I'll just post the covers:

    Dam! I was too late :'P

    Edit: Blue Blur already has the spoilers of MM #40. Uh a lot of work to do if I can list all characters of the Variant Cover.

  2. You copied it from the Sonic Stadium webside eh? :P

    Well I LOVE the Off Panel. X Facepalm.

    Some people already got the issue, but no preview pages are online and no MM37 in the store.

  3. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you hadn't watched Brotherhood yet. Because that might have been a major spoiler :3 So then, I'm not telling anymore about him ^-^ Don't worry, he's a total badass. You'll soon understand why.

    I know it because I already have the mangas and I read the description of wikipedia, because I want to see how many Homuncoli where are^^"

    I really like Envy, Pride, Greed and the child of Edwards Sensei. Badass chicks C: ...but I think all will be dead in the end of the anime :/ (I will cry....)

  4. Hey, you changed your avatar to Envy! Now we're talking, friend <3

    I was thinking about changing it to Pride earlier... but I suppose I'll stay with Last Order just a bit longer.

    YES! Envyyyyyyyy <3 I'm sorry, but I love this guy! C: *Centaur Man has felt in love*

    For teh first time I watch Fullmetal Alchemist complete. Years ago I watched it but only 10 episodes. Pride hasn't approached jet but he seems like a badass child. I really like the Homunculi!

  5. And sorry Centaur man, we seem to be somewhat turning this into an rp...

    Oh, and apparently some light rping is okay. But it must be LIGHT rping. Let's not make this serious or Cheery will troll us)

    ...Uh what? an RP? Sorry I wasnÄt online for the rest of the day because there was a lot of stuff to do, so what is going on?
