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Centaur Man

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Everything posted by Centaur Man

  1. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

      Offtoppic but: I tried to draw Grimlock from Transformers 1 and it took me one month - I never do it again x'P
  2. Mega Man (Comic Series)

      Awww yeah I feel so sadly for the Robot, who killed all Robot Master from MM3. Must be so hard to be popular and to win all battles :'P Wait - so if there is a new cover, then MM45 came out? One week earlier? Nice.
  3. Mega Man (Comic Series)

      I can only hope that with rebuilding them, they don't loose characteristic points :/  
  4. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

      She should join the guys from Five Night at Freddys  ;) Interesting, I like to read the profile of her.
  5. Sonic Runners (2015, Smartphone)

      Well SSBB was a great Wii U game and the Wii U is not as bad as everyone say. It wasn't just really necessary because everyone loved the Wii and then the Wii U came out and everyone had this "Nintendo give people every 2 years a new console without needing them"-Feeling. Bugs has less to do with the console, more with the game itself. They could done this better. SEGA has the potential to do it, but doesn't use it and this is making me sad.
  6. Sonic Runners (2015, Smartphone)

    Oh a mobile game. Well a mobile phone is actually a thing where you write messages and make phone calls. Not to play "videogames" on it. I know this sounds oldschool, but I like to play a Sonic game on a Wii, DS, PS4 or everything else but not a mobile phone. A mobile phone is not console. Sorry SEGA.
  7. Mega Man (Comic Series)

      That's a big problem in the Mega Man World.   There is a huge number of Robot Masters with so much personalities which you can all bring together and they all have the potential to change their way and to be independent like Proto Man in the Archie Comics but on the other hand the game just see the Robot Master as every other boss and only as "machines", who are fighting against Mega Man. I am sure this will be a problem when the Mega Man 10 adapation will begin, because there you have...around 50 Robot Masters? All built by Wily? All in one castle? That could be a huge problem for the Blue Bomber and also I would think it is a little boring. I hope after "Legends of the Blue Bomber" and after Worlds Collide 2.0. the robots from MM2 and MM3 will be rebuilt again. I would miss Quick Man and Crash Man.
  8. Guess the next poster!

    No   Dylan
  9. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy Birthday Jest!
  10. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Thank you! Yeah I can draw robots but not the mobian-creatures or humans like Eggman xP
  11. Guess the next poster!

    Nö :) Skye?
  12. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    35 @Angel: But also more mods! yäääääy....
  13. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    14 Not the Sniper who is looking for his target miles away xP
  14. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    12 I will hunt you down....
  15. Non-Sonic Art Thread

    I really like this Disney-cartoon-style. I think you don't have to draw more details, because his child-character fits with the art style.
  16. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    9 Neo Metal Sonic....I warn you...run....
  17. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Fan-Characters? Uh I am not good in that part but I had some ^^ Well my characters I played in some RPGs or used them in some fancfictions were Metal Sonic and Metal Scouge. Yeah you might say that these are characters from SEGA and the Archie Comics, but I just took their personalities and expand them. I don't say that these are my fan-characters, I just tried to make more out of these bots, because SEGA and the Archie Comics didn't do a lot with these guys. They are more like all other robots who will loose against Sonic with an old Spin Dash. They can do more with them, like they had done this with Shard the Metal Sonic (SU Saga with the Secret Freedom Fighters). Then my reaaaally first OC was Escada the Rabbit and I got there the idea of Bunnie, because Escada has a robot part with one arm too, but thats all and I mixed this up with an old pirate-personality. But...I better don't draw her xD Just a sketch from these guys but...you see Escada...I failed xD
  18. General Art Thread

    Creepyness rules in the last pictures :P
  19. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    Is that Sally in the background? Uh that's new that the Freedom Fighters will come up. Last time there was only the main characters from the games from SEGA...
  20. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Naaah, I don't think so. Mega Man V is more somewhere between MM3 and MM6. I only read that in the wikia, correct me if I am wrong, but the idea with Ra Moon and the new comming up Mega Man V adaption makes sence, because Ra Moon and the Stardroids where together as a "team" in the Mega Man Gigamix Comics. Anyway I LOVE the Short Circuit in this pannel. Those Skrillex references - Just great.
