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Everything posted by Device

  1. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy Birthday Cheery/Shadow/Dylan! ;D   I think that about covers it! lol
  2. Off-Topic Thread

      And tasty...?
  3. Pokemon!

    What if... Mega Seviper X and Mega Seviper Y? ;O
  4. Ken Penders Topic...

    Or just a sheet to throw over his head... that would work too. ;P
  5. Games that you recently finished

    Just finished Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal. It was a little slow compared to most of your 2D Sonic games, but I had fun with it. I'd just like to know where were all the boss fights in this game? lol
  6. Ken Penders Topic...

    Every time I see his work... it makes me think of this...   And I agree with you Jest... loincloth just doesn't work... at all. And his ARMS! They look so puny lol
  7. Pokemon!

      You'll get a Mega I'm sure. They said they wanted all the pokemon to have one eventually. Just remember... if you get one, you rival will probably too! Mega Zangoose! D;
  8. Last to post wins v3.0

  9. Ban the above poster

    Banned because not enough Pikachu
  10. Music thread

    I've been really into the Protomen recently. They are definitely my favorite band as of late. Rock and Roll with some chiptune and based on Mega Man lore? Yes please!
  11. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    I have faith that it will turn out pretty good, if not amazing. I'm still really curious on how this is all going to work though..
  12. Ban the above poster

    Banned because o.o
  13. Last to post wins v3.0

    Looks like you missed one awesome battle scene.   I did too ;/
  14. Sonic Runners (2015, Smartphone)

    Needs more Chao...   I hope those are the companions
  15. Last to post wins v3.0

    Yes, that one. lol
  16. General Anime/Manga Thread

    It's just your standard 26 episodes. I definitely recommend it!
  17. The rhyme game

    I choose Vulpix to turn the competition to toast!   Everyone loves those fire types.
  18. Last to post wins v3.0

    Pretty deadly?
