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Everything posted by Pearl98

  1. Pretty cool speed paint of the 6 original robot masters, and the remixes are good too, but I nearly fell out of my seat when Elec man's theme played, since unlike the others, it's not calm, plus it's a bit louder than the other ones XD
  2. Is it just me, or is the opening of Hornet Man's theme sound like Quick man's?

  3. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Yes, Yes it does 36
  4. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Darn, thats what? The 5th time thats happened? XD oh, and 34
  5. This is probably a stupid question, but do PSP games work on the PS Vita? I'm thinking on getting one, and theres 4 games I really want to get...

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Had a look on the playstation website. It appears you can't use the PSP card (or whatever it uses) but some games are available to download and save on a memory card.

    2. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      actually, there is a psp emulator, but it is only limited to the games avallable in the store. the only way to play "Isos" and any other games not present on the PSN is to hack the console to completely unleash the psp emulator.

  6. *sigh* I wish our leadership camp was tomorrow... It's still 1 week away, but I really can't wait to take a 3 day break from school for leadership things...

  7. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    11 I'm supposed to be doing an assignment due tomorrow, but I have time for this XD
  8. I've got to say, I officially love the Astro Boy series, I watched one of the episodes last night and I've been watching a lot of the episodes the 2 hours. man, the last episode mad me shed a few tears...

    1. The_Duck


      Dude, I frikkin love Astro Boy! You watching the original or the remake they made around 2005 or so?

    2. Pearl98


      I'm watching the 2003 remake

    3. The_Duck


      Ah cool! I haven't got to see that one yet. The original was great, so I'm sure that one is pretty awesome!

      I used to see the TV commercials for that one back when it was still airing, but I never watched it. now I regret that descision...

  9. I'm surprised Plant Man's taller than Pharaoh Man... at least thats what it looks like in MM #34, and since Plant Man's the shortest of the MM6 robot masters, were going to have some pretty tall robot masters...

  10. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Sweet, we did it! Oh, and just for the heck of it, 151 XD
