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Everything posted by Pearl98

  1. Wow, it's Tuesday and I still haven't seen the official list of comics coming out this week... Oh, and i finally have SSSM #10 :D

  2. Man, i hate waiting for the list of comics for this week to be put up on my comic shops website... I really want to know if I'll FINALLY get MM #34 this week! :(

  3. Wow, third try really is lucky! 2nd try i got a critical hit on Zygarde 3rd try, I threw a quick ball, caught it! Now onto Zapdos!

  4. I seriously have no luck today XD time for take 2 on Zygarde! XD (This is my first time running into it...)

  5. Seriously?! I just defeated Mew Two without catching it :( *sigh* Good thing I saved before I fought it... Darn it Thunderbolt! -_-

  6. I just realized, ice slasher doesn't effect Elec man at all in MM1, yet Mega man was able to freeze his feet in Mega man #8 thanks to the ice slasher... I'm guessing it didn't damage him although he could;ve made his whole body frozen?

    1. MetalSkulkBane_PL


      Bubble Man is immune to Leaf Shield and Flash Man is immune to Quick Boomerang.

  7. the one thing I hate about have havingbattles with no restrtcitions is that most pokemon are level 100 and mine aren't! -_-

  8. I am seriously not having any luck getting a Dragonair XD First thing I got from fishing was one, made it faint, second one, made it faint again, now i can't seem to get another -_-

    1. Pkrockinomega


      If you want I could try and get one for you.

    2. The_Duck


      Keep at it! maybe you'll find a shiny! Seriously, I've found a ridiculous amount of shinies in this gen.

  9. I... I can't believe it... I've got a Latias! My favourite legendary! I thought i would never see the day I'd get one!

  10. Finally, Autumn's here! :D Except it's 38 degress here, hopefully this will be the highest temeperature we'll get for a long time... and we REALLY need some rain!

  11. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Um... I did 66, you mean 67. Anyway, next number! 68 EDIT: Never mind, I just realized your an admin... time to start again... 1
  12. Wow, I keep getting critical catches in Pokemon Y... I've already gotten 4 this morning!

    1. Pearl98


      Of course right after I say that I get another XD
