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Everything posted by Pearl98

  1. I seriously can't wait until next week to read MM #37! DX The thing i'm mostly excited about for the issue is to see what Bright Man's like... My copy of mega Man Gigamix Vol. 1-3 should come around the same time MM #37 comes out too.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      It's already started. Have you seen the first one? It's good

    2. Centaur Man

      Centaur Man

      The Gigamix Mangas are really good. The Stardroids C:

    3. Pearl98


      I've read the first 3 Megamix stories and I can't stop reading them! And the 1st part of the Stardroids story (Shadow man in the basket of a bike, now THAT is a extremely rare sight XD)I'm excited to read the next part, since it did end in a cliff hanger

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  2. I hope they've fixed MM #37's Variant, well, the only I mistake I saw was on Oil Man, and it's pretty obvious what the mistake is XD

    1. Centaur Man

      Centaur Man

      ...want to see the page Dx

  3. I don't know why I'm surprised that Rotor's from what looks like Holoska XD The igloos definitely look like the ones in Holoska. Also, sorry I didn't post spoilers yesterday, I've been busy playing the new pokemon games I also got yesterday

  4. I've decided not to post spoilers for the origin's stories since everyone is getting it tomorrow... I will post spoilers for STH #260 on Thursday when I get it though

  5. Pokemon Platinum is slowly becoming my favourite Pokemon game my team so far is Piplup, Starly and Shinx. I'll probably start playing Pokemon White and Black 2 later

  6. Just got back from free comic book day :D There was quite a few people there! 2 people were dressed up too. I also went to EB games and I got pokemon Platinum, White and Black 2, so that means I have every Pokemon Gen! :D

  7. Free comic Book day is here! :D (At least, where I live XD) I'm leaving to go to my comic shop as early as I can, so once I have the Sonic/Mega Man one, I'll probably post some spoilers

    1. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      I'm cool with spoilers, seeing how my PS3 still hates me!

  8. Ordered Mega Man Gigamix volumes 1-3 off Ebay :D I really can't wait for them to come! It won't be as hard to wait for them as MMPU, although they'll take a lot longer, I'll be focused on school

  9. Can someone explain whats in Mega man gigamix Volumes 1,2 and 3? The only mega Man manga type stories I've read are Rockman's birth, R's orders to destroy and that one with that robot finding it's mother? (I haven't read that one in a while) And, that one the stardroids appear. Are those 4 in the Gigamix, or does it have completely different stories?

  10. Correct me if i'm wrong, but there is only 3 volumes of Mega Man Megamix that are translated right? How many volumes are there of gigamix? I'm allowed to get them after my grade in English

  11. Mega Man Xtreme won the vote for Mega May? Aw... I REALLY want to play Mega Man V... :( I don't care if most people that voted were probably X fans, MMV is an original game! Xtreme is a remake! (Or whatever)

    1. Mandobardanjusik


      We are still getting 5 this month

  12. I wonder what would happen if Time Man and Flash Man used their weapons at the same time... Maybe they'll open a portal to the past? XD Oh no... I did not just reference THAT game 0.0

  13. Finally have sport for the first time in like, 4 weeks first period XD I wonder what were doing, I'm pretty sure next term's Athletics, which i really can't wait for

  14. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    I can't post pictures from my phone... so, I'll just say what the variant ending for MM #36 is The MM3 robot master arrive at Wily castle 3 Quick Man: "Yo! Our victorious brothers are back! Somebody help Spark Man and Needle Man with their energy elements! ....Anybody but Crash Man!" Quick Man's looking at the energy element Magnet Man got Quick Man: "How'd it go?" Magnet Man: "Flawlessly, the master got to act like a victim to earn the public's trust. We have the energy elements, and Mega Man was made to look like a fool. Quick Man: "Ha! I wish I could've been there!" Magnet Man: "How's construction coming along?" Quick Man: "Right on schedule--- Which's too slow for me. but whatever. We'll be ready for the doc when he starts the kid on his wild goose chase Break Man appears Break Man: "Good." "I look forward to being there for Mega Man's FINAL CHALLENGE!" Like I said yesterday, I prefer the Variant ending over the normal ending
  15. I have my physical copy of MM #36! And Honestly, I prefer the Variant ending over the normal ending... Aw seriously?! Someone in Melbourne has the FCBD issue?! My comics sops not allowed to sell them until Saturday! -_-

    1. NegaMetallix


      So, did you get the variant cover? If so, I'd be interested to hear what happens in the end.

  16. 2 weeks from now I'll be reading MM #37... I can't wait! At least I get MM #36 today! XD

  17. Yesterday sure was busy... It was nice and warm with the blazer on, but i had walk around the school like 50 times, so my legs are really hurting right now... I also got to talk to our Government representative and our Mayor :D

  18. It's so cold! I need to take my jacket to school although I have to put a blazer on straight away when I get there, and my jacket doesn't fit in my bag (Plus, our school doesn't have winter uniform.. -_-)

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      *Facepalms at Gabe's comment*

      Yikes, sounds rough for you, Pearl. How can they not have at least an extra jumper for winter uniform? It's madness

  19. The impossible has become possible... I have the highest grade in my English class o.0 I somehow got 73% on my English Exam (Most people in my class got 40-50%) Looks likes i'll be moved to a higher class next semester, since i'm on a B+ right now, and I can make it an A after the next assignment

  20. Can't chose to get get MM #36 on Thursday when the comic orders come or on Saturday since I'm going Free Comic Book Day... I'll see what my friends say, since they are going to want to read both of the issues (Plus, the comics I got over the holidays, but they'll most likely read them all today)

  21. I go back to school tomorrow... At least on Wednesday it will not be hot, since i have to wear a blazer...

  22. Someone please tell me i'm reading things... Ben bates is leaving?! N-no... not my favourite artist! D: How?! Why?! He's been doing most of the recent Mega Man covers!

  23. I keep forgetting I've got Mega man and Bass on my GBA emulator XD I'm hopefully going to download a Sega Saturn Emulator and get mega Man 7

    1. Cinescense


      If you have the gameboy version of Megaman and Bass then I wish you luck.Many deaths await you In the near future...SCREENCRUNCH is all I shall say for now.

    2. Pearl98


      yeah, the game is REALLY frustrating and hard, tit took me like 2 weeks to just get past the opening stage

  24. Whoa, I just realized yesterday was my 1 year anniversary on being on here!

    1. Spark Falls

      Spark Falls

      Congrats. I can't remember when I first found Sonic scarf it was about 2 years ago but I just became a member last year so. Bit anyways congrats and hope to see ya around here more also check out Megaman NT Warrior, and then new TCG game.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      You became a member on the 6th of November 2013

      I still have a couple days left before my anniversary. Though, it's different from when I actually arrived on the site and when I became active

    3. Spark Falls
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  25. Reading Game Of thrones, we have all 5 books :D I've only put the book down so I can eat Lunch, but I'm gonna go back to reading it right after i've finished
