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Everything posted by Chapmic

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Did Archie delay new releases again ?
  2. So, is there any explanation to the one week delayed release of issue 275 ?

    1. NegaMetallix


      Well, at least we have the issue now. Shame I didn't find it that interesting...

    2. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      Mostly fighting...

    3. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      It would have been nice if they could have mixed up that character banter heavy story with this one, so we had two better mixed issues as opposed to two rather flat ones.

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  3. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    That's how I feel inside when i remember the comic's past and all that was lost.   And that's how I feel when I remember the cause of it.   But then I remember the comic still exists, and it's better than having it cancelled.  :)
  4. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    "I cannot comment..." Exactly what we heard during the Penders lawsuit. That tells a lot by not saying anything, especially if it was removed.
  5. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    That's strange, according to Sonic 273, Sonic Man Vs. The Robot Masters was supposed to be in the first Sonic issue of Worlds Unite Battles, not the Mega Man issue.
  6. Sonic Boom (Comic Series)

    In fact, I think we are looking too much into this. This note about Generations is obviously here just to please Sega.
  7. Sonic Boom (Comic Series)

    I just thought of something like that. After Worlds Collide, both original Eggman and Sonic merged with their current reality versions. Same could have happened with the blue emerald at the beginning of WC. That way, the note is still true, and WC doesn't need to happen twice.
  8. Sonic Boom (Comic Series)

    Yes, WC happened after Generations, but the blue emerald was lost before the change of reality.
  9. Sonic Boom (Comic Series)

    Plus, it simply CAN'T take place in the new continuity, because Sonic & Tails remember Mecha Sally during Worlds Collide.
  10. Sonic Boom (Comic Series)

    Yeah, I don't know why they want to make Sonic Generations the cause of Worlds Collide in the current reality. It would mean that the events that damaged reality also happened in the new reality. But it doesn't make any sense, since the new reality didn't change at all. It would be like if DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths events that destroyed the multiverse also happened in the unified single universe. Doesn't make sense at all.
  11. If the Archie Sonic Comics got a new TV series...

    No, that's Alexandre Gillet, who voiced Sonic in Sonic X, and in the games since they started to translate them from Generations.
  12. If the Archie Sonic Comics got a new TV series...

    And Olivier Korol for the French dub. He voiced Sonic once again for the cameo in Wreck-It Ralph, and his voice was exactly the same.
  13. I'm raging right now. Our effing corrupted mayor, who cheated on his election, won the lawsuit against him despite all the evidences that were as hard as stone. I lost all respect to the (in)justice.

    1. Chapmic


      For short, the verdict was made without taking account of the evidences. He even went to the Elysée to get bumped by the government. The French Republic is dead again.

  14. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    That's funny when you think about it. As usual, the new Free Comic Day special was supposed to be a reprint, including Xander Payne's story and a new Sonic story from Super Special Magazine 14. But since the latest was delayed, the Sonic story ended up being an exclusive free story.  :D
  15. Introduction Thread

    Issue 20. Oops, I don't know how I could miss it. Perhaps I forgot with time. Thanks. :lol: I changed my comic list from Archive 5 to Issue 20, so I won't forget again.
  16. Introduction Thread

    Thanks everyone. Well, actually, I'm talking about graphic novels or other specials that mostly are reprints, but sometimes include an exclusive story and can be easily missed. Like for example"Everything Old is Newt Again" from Sonic Archive 5 released in September 2007. And I thought that some members who have them don't necessarily follow the comics on the website, since, well, they have them. So I was talking about community requests from members to members. A list of those past and upcoming occasional strories so you guys could maybe get them more easily. You're only missing three for now, but some upcoming will be important for Worlds Unite. But I wanted to ask before doing anything.
  17. Introduction Thread

    Hello there. I'm Chapmic (no, I'm not the third forgotten GameChap). I'm a long time Sonic fan now. I played every game, watched every show, and read every comic. Since I live in France, I will explain to you the situation of Sonic here, and why I love this website. In France, we only got Archie Sonic pretty much recently, but they started from the Genesis storyline and continued from it without any explanation about what happened before, and we only get translations of the main series, nothing from Sonic Universe. Plus, since we don't have Archie Mega Man, we certainly won't have Worlds Collide, since the two series are two thirds of it. So we'll get the reboot, that's all. So I'm not even talking about Worlds Unite. We're also getting a chaotic release order, since we got Hindsight from 218 after Endangered Species from 243-244. And the release rate is so slow, we got like ten original issues in three years in six volumes, and they even skipped from 233 to 243 for the upcoming Volume 6. I'm not even buying them anymore, and since I can't buy all of them on the official app for now, I'm sticking to the website. And sorry for non french Mario fans who wanted Super Mario Kun, because it started back in December here, and from the very first issue. If only Sonic was handled that good. Thank God we had the real Sonic X, not the 4kids dumb edit. Sonic X and AoStH are the only series released on DVD, but all four of them were aired at their time, so I don't know what they're waiting for. As for Sonic the Comic, some of them were translated at the beginning, but it only lasted a few issues. No problems with the games, we get everything. There you have it, Sonic's situation in France. Now I just have one question. Where can I point out about comics not on the website ? I mean a request to members who could contribute to the website by sending some missing issues to the staff. If someone could point me to the proper topic, it would be nice. :) Well, see ya.
  18. General Trash

    Speaking of Sonic Comic Origins, why is Sonic Super Digest 11 still not on the website ? It includes an Origin story about Nicole and was released back in March 11. And what about Sonic Jump from Sonic Super Digest 5 ?
