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Lena Stan Account

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Status Replies posted by Lena Stan Account

  1. Give me all the tacos!

  2. Give me all the tacos!

  3. Give me all the tacos!

  4. Give me all the tacos!

  5. Give me all the tacos!

  6. Going with a korume avatar because of her death in the anime.

  7. Going with a korume avatar because of her death in the anime.

  8. I had nothing else to say than: "hello to all my friends!! (that means everyone) :D please have a nice morning/day/afternoon/midday/evening/night!"

  9. Bah!!! 2 big tests in one day!! Bah!!!

  10. Ugh, I have a splitting headache...

  11. My name is not yellow anymore.... Oh, at least i still have the extended mailbox.

  12. Just letting you guys know I might not be here much tomorrow. Partly because school and partly due to a certain someone's birthday in my family. I should still see you all in the late evening though. Try not to have too much fun without me ;)

  13. so... just thinking... anyone wants to join Freddy's band? or is it just me?

  14. so... just thinking... anyone wants to join Freddy's band? or is it just me?

  15. Wait so if the Master Emerald is shattered,where does Tikal go?
