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Lena Stan Account

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Status Replies posted by Lena Stan Account

  1. I don't understand why do people keep saying anime is for kids? If adults would watch the shows I do then they would definitely learn to respect their friends and never to give up dreaming and chasing your dreams!

  2. When I thought my day couldn't get worse, my heart gets broken... My no longer boyfriend has decided to go back to his religion and won't be going to school any more...

  3. When I thought my day couldn't get worse, my heart gets broken... My no longer boyfriend has decided to go back to his religion and won't be going to school any more...

  4. So today I have an all day physics coursework. Currently on my first break and the coursework is going better than I thought it was

  5. So *cough* random scenario: You are walking towards your home in a little town near the woods when suddenly Slenderman, Freddy Krueger and IT appear! What do you do?

  6. Join the Seviper Fan Club! All who do in the next 5 seconds will get a customary blaster and a delicious sandwich. And if not I'll have to go back to doing stand-up comedy with....a chimp!

  7. So *cough* random scenario: You are walking towards your home in a little town near the woods when suddenly Slenderman, Freddy Krueger and IT appear! What do you do?

  8. Okay guys. The most difficult question ever.... Pepsi or Cola?

  9. Wow, that Ash not catching a Dunsparce thing is still going on XD In the new Japanese episode, he ran into one, but he didn't have his Pokemon or any Pokeballs XD

  10. I want the next Nanatsu no taizai episode already!! I never expected them to attack the castle just in episode 16!!

  11. Most amazing thing happened today. I've really liked one of my closest friends for a few years, but we haven't beeb able to go out because for his religion. He said he doesn't care about it anymore, and first thing he does is ask me out, of course, I said yes. So yeah, I now have a boyfriend

  12. Clearly it seems that people overestimate my drawing skills I mean sure I'm like average but.... Still difficult to draw a robot >-<

  13. Behold! The Clam of Awesomeness!

  14. Clearly it seems that people overestimate my drawing skills I mean sure I'm like average but.... Still difficult to draw a robot >-<

  15. Clearly it seems that people overestimate my drawing skills I mean sure I'm like average but.... Still difficult to draw a robot >-<

  16. Clearly it seems that people overestimate my drawing skills I mean sure I'm like average but.... Still difficult to draw a robot >-<

  17. Clearly it seems that people overestimate my drawing skills I mean sure I'm like average but.... Still difficult to draw a robot >-<

  18. Clearly it seems that people overestimate my drawing skills I mean sure I'm like average but.... Still difficult to draw a robot >-<

  19. Clearly it seems that people overestimate my drawing skills I mean sure I'm like average but.... Still difficult to draw a robot >-<

  20. Has anyone else ever been so bored that you'd just want to climb on the roof and yell: " I'M THE KING OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD!!!!!" Because I feel like doing so right now...

  21. If you were in Silent Hill what would you do? I'd probably try and find a good weapon and avoid those zombie nurses! (no real meaning to this thought but if you want to answer...)

  22. My nobody's name would be Xila! lol. Just get X in your mixed name. like Dylan is Xaldyn.

  23. I'm not going to be on a lot here for a while, tomorrow my sister turns 19, and its going to be my last day of Summer Holidays, as I start year 11 on Monday. I will be on o er the weekends, and maybe on weeknights if I don't have a lot of homework

  24. Anyone else here who believes in ghosts and all kinds of supernatural beings?

  25. NEWSFLASH! I'm not dead.. Other news! I still have two tests left... =-= Cruel cruel world..
