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Lena Stan Account

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Status Replies posted by Lena Stan Account

  1. So is anyone ready for Dragon Ball Super ?

  2. last night was one of the most chaotic storms that I have endured.

  3. last night was one of the most chaotic storms that I have endured.

  4. Skye and Dylan take Seviper to therapy....... Seviper attacked therapist

  5. Yay! \(^.^)/ I got a few days job so I think I don't have time to come here in 30.4.-1.5. :D xP

  6. hi guys i'm back didja miss me

  7. Sougo Extreme Sadist Face. XD

  8. Sougo Extreme Sadist Face. XD

  9. Reached nightmare in FNaF3. xD That Darned BB.

  10. Watching my friend fail at Pokemon...

  11. Rest in Peace my chances of getting Kill La Kill on DVD ;-;

  12. Rest in Peace my chances of getting Kill La Kill on DVD ;-;

  13. Rest in Peace my chances of getting Kill La Kill on DVD ;-;

  14. Rest in Peace my chances of getting Kill La Kill on DVD ;-;

  15. Psst! I signed up NMS to be an organ donor! *laughs*

  16. We are human beings .

  17. We are human beings .

  18. We are human beings .

  19. We are human beings .

  20. Has anyone else been attacked by a door?

  21. We are human beings .

  22. I just love music and singing <3 and I noticed that I have been singing a lot today since my voice is a little bit rough xP xD

  23. And so I decided to resume playing KH BBS. XD On Ventus story on proud mode. I swear the normal mode is much harder than the proud mode! XD

  24. And so I decided to resume playing KH BBS. XD On Ventus story on proud mode. I swear the normal mode is much harder than the proud mode! XD

  25. And so I decided to resume playing KH BBS. XD On Ventus story on proud mode. I swear the normal mode is much harder than the proud mode! XD
