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Everything posted by ChaosKaiser

  1. Last to post wins v3.0

    I always thought Groucho was even grouchier...
  2. Christmas role-play?

    "That reinforcements better get here FAST!" Amy said. The pink hedgehog heard Myra's shout, and saw Metal Sonic clashing with her shield. Then Amy tried to reach Myra and Metal... ... ignoring the dangerous presence of Tails Doll.
  3. Christmas role-play?

    (Let's say Skye is not powerful, but rather technologically advanced, which is really useful in this context. Besides, your explaination gives the best example you can get: Nicole. She sort of does this stuff in the present, so, what CAN'T do an AI in the future?) Amy was shocked. "B-but... It's just a doll...h-how it could..." she thought. The jewel over Tails Doll's head shone, lightening the hedgehog's face in red, making clear that the worst was yet to come. "Guys...y-you'd better have a plan..."
  4. Christmas role-play?

    "Oh my..." Amy said when she saw Tails Doll. "This...this is getting from bad to worse...  ...but that's not going to stop me!" yelled while hammering Tails Doll, trying to make the creepy robot eat the snowy floor.
  5. Christmas role-play?

    "Kid? Hacking it? Is Tails around here?" Amy wondered. Then, she looked to the black skunk. "So you're the team leader, huh?" Amy asked to G. "Alright, let's keep him busy then" The pink hedgehog said aproaching Metal Sonic with confidence, trusting than she had backup.
  6. Christmas role-play?

    Amy got out the shop to face Metal Sonic once again. She saw Techno and Boulder. "Oh, nonononono... Guys, get to a safe place!" yelled at the duo. With all her strength, Amy hits the Metallic Blue Blur with her hammer, making it characteristic "Piko!" sound.
  7. Christmas role-play?

    "Thanks" said Amy to Peggy, taking her hand and getting up.  The pink hedgehog picks her hammer back. "Now we have to make sure Metal Sonic doesn't break anything else.".
  8. The Happy Birthday Thread

    We hope you enjoy your 26th anniversary of birth, Jest!
  9. Last to post wins v3.0

    It is always Oscar. He has always been. He will always be.
  10. Christmas role-play?

    The laser hits Amy, and sends her all the street through, crashing with Peggy's auto shop. "Ouch... m-maybe I'm the one who needs spare pieces after that..." Amy quietly said, while looking at Peggy. "Hey there... s-sorry for the bad landing..." said to the owner of the shop.
  11. Christmas role-play?

    Amy took out her Piko Hammer (again), this time with a more clear purpose than showing off. Furious, she ran towards Metal Sonic, eager to crush its metal butt. "You'd better have brought spare pieces, because you're going to need them after THIS!"  And after those "nice" words, Amy proceeds to fight the killing robot.
  12. Last to post wins v3.0

    B-but... THE PILLS! Won't somebody please think of the pills?
  13. Christmas role-play?

    Amy hugged Metal Sonic, until she heard Myra's voice. "Oh...I did it again? I should have realised by the cold metallic feel."  The pink hedgehog said to herself, as she released Metal, frightened.
  14. Christmas role-play?

    "SOOONIIIIIIIICC!! I know you'd come!" Amy yelled at the blue streak, running to it with passion, like hearts flattered around her.
  15. Last to post wins v3.0

    Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.
  16. Christmas role-play?

    (As you guys want. I'll wait for it if needed)
  17. Christmas role-play?

    (So, I basically screwed it up. I'm sorry, people. Is there something I can do to fix it? If I have to leave, I will do it, no problem.)
  18. Christmas role-play?

    (Whoa, man, you were doing such a great play. No Geoffrey, no party. Sorry for making you go out ) Shocked, Amy screamed: "W-what the...? COME BACK HERE! HEYYYYY!!!"
  19. Last to post wins v3.0

    Shinomi, the sandwich IS the anime. Now, take it. Eat it.  It's yours now.
  20. Christmas role-play?

    "Hit by the hammer? You mean THIS HAMMER?" Amy said as she showed her Piko-Piko. "I only use it when I need it." said to Boulder, with an mixed expression between agressive and cheerful.  
  21. Christmas role-play?

    "Oh, thanks for your right timing, then!" Amy replied, smiling at Myra with confidence. But once she realised Myra's nervous expression, Amy asked: "Is everything OK? Need a hand?"
  22. Christmas role-play?

    "Whoa, taking that thing down had to be hard! Specially without Sonic being here to help you... So, are you a team? Freedom Fighters from another zone?" Amy asked to Myra, impressed for their feat.
  23. Christmas role-play?

    "So, Sonic's not here, huh? Well then. If no other Freedom Fighter is around, I'll have to get this by myself!" Amy said to herself. "I was told that a team of heroic mobians faced an Eggman robot in the shopping center. Are you the ones I heard about?" Asked the pink hedgehog.
  24. Christmas role-play?

    "Great! I was looking for some information about yesterday's incident. You know... a snow-shooting badnik or something? And of course, if you've seen Sonic bravely fighting against it to save the day, you can talk about that too!" Amy said, ignoring the truth of the event. "Huh, I think I've seen these guys before somewhere" Amy while looking at Techno and Boulder. (Thanks, Skye! I had to fit in the role  )
  25. Christmas role-play?

    Amy finds herself in front of Peggy's auto shop. She sees a eye-catchy van, with two occupants in it. "Hi, guys! I am Amy Rose. Could you help me?" she asked.
