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Seviper the Fang Snake

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Posts posted by Seviper the Fang Snake

  1. Ally copied Stacey.


    "That's probably for the best. One complete loony is a enough." Said Zangoose as he walked in the lab.


    "It's like seventy five percent science and tweenty five percent Mina Mongoose posters in here." Said Lance as he walked in the lab.


    "Can do!" Said Seviper lifting up Ziona. 

  2. "Warm up? It's not very cold in here..." Replied Ally.


    Zangoose slightly smacked Lance in the back of the head. "Smart mouth. You are your father's child."


    "That's something that's still the same." Said Lance laughing a bit and rubbing the back of his head.


    "You are my queen after all." Said Seviper 

  3. "I don't know. You're the ninja." Said Ally 


    "They'll be labled with a warning sign." Said Zangoose 


    "So everything has a label!?" Said Lance with a smirk.


    "I'll make that girl's dream come true!" Said Seviper 

  4. Ally followed to the gym.


    "Now remember some of my creations are slightly dangerous. So don't touch things that look like they'll blow up." Said Zangoose 


    "Peaceful? Around here?" Said Seviper with a snicker.

  5. Antoine D'Coolette, Mercia 


    "When I get to the market I better make sure to get butter..not margarine. Only a fool would use margarine." Said Antoine as he walked his way through town. 


    Unknown to Antoine he was being watched.


    "A member of the D'Coolette house hold here? My lord will be most...intrigued to hear this." Said a cloaked individual as he headed for a large castle.


    Mordred Hood, Castle Hood (Formely Snottingham Castle), Mercia


    "Bring the prisoner." Said Mordred from his shiny throne as the two soilders followed the command.


    Mordred got up from his throne and walked up to the prisoner. "An attempt assassination on your lord is treason.., which will result in death. Care to speak your mind?" Said Mordred to the prisoner. 


    "You are not the king. You took the throne with deceptioand and ousted the king." Replied the prisoner as he spit on the floor.


    "The king was a fool. I was destined to rule Mercia! It was foretold in the Mercian Chronicles. Now pleasant thoughts." Said Mordred as took his sword and striked down the prisoner.


    "Ruling is quite hard. Get that trash off my floor." As he sat back down on his throne.


    Charmy Bee, Casino Night Zone 


    "Not as fancy as the good back home but it was still good." Said Charmy as he threw the container.


    Charmy noticed a newspaper article and picked it up. "Strange object crashed landed during the night? Huh? Mello would've been intrested in this."


    Charmy flew off into the center of the city.


    Bean the Duck, Battle Bird Armada Airship 


    Bean was being dragged down the hall.


    "We played cards together Hal! And Gordon I taught you how to handle spicy food!" Said Bean.


    "Sorry Bean Doc's orders." Said one of the soilders as they put Bean in a cell.


    "Can I least get a shiny coin to make a phone call!? Why did I say shiny..." Said Bean as he sat in his cell.







  6. "Yay!" Said Ally cheerfully.


    "I know." Said Seviper patting Zoe on the head.


    "Don't know if your parents would approve...though You could assist me in giving Lance his medical exams." Replied Zangoose 



  7. "Your mother's right. Don't you watch time traveling movies?" Said Seviper 


    "I suppose I should give Lance a little medical exam. I have the equipment. Make sure he's healthy. Anything can happen going through a time rift." Said Zangoose.


    "Well I guess your right Uncle. You've always been right about this kind of stuff." Said Lance.
