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Seviper the Fang Snake

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Posts posted by Seviper the Fang Snake

  1. "What's wrong Stacey?' Asked Ally.


    "Let's go find Zoe Fenn. I can teach you two a couple of things from my rigorous training/beating from my master." Said Lance as he walked down the hall while holding Fenn. 

  2. "I'll have that one then." Said Ally 


    "Done. You should now be able to subdue a living opponet withs it's new tazering function at the bottom of the sword. That's right it's taser with a Z! Cause you know..." Said Zangoose 


    "I get it. Thanks though." Said Lance.

  3. Antoine, Mercia

    Antoine was heading towards the market til he was stopped by a cloaked figure and two soldiers.


    "Hello D'Coolette. Our Lord will be surprised and honored to met your acquaintance. Don't resist." Said the cloaked individual as the soldiers drew their weapons.


    Antoine tried to run away but the soldiers pursued him.


    Bean, Bark, Battle Bird Armada Airship


    A couple of Battle Bird Soldiers escorted the large polar bear to the holding cells. However the impact caused them to become unbalanced and tripped.


    The Polar Bear saw this as an opportunity to break free and escape. He broke free from his arm restraints and tossed one of the birds at a wall and head down further down till he saw an imprisoned green duck.


    "Hey big guy! Can ya let me out? By the sounds of it this place ain't gonna be in the best shape for long. I can help us get off this thing." Said Bean to the polar bear.


    The polar bear was hesitate at first but felt he could trust the duck. He then began to punch the cell repeatedly before ripping it off.


    "Awesome! You don't talk much huh? I'm gonna call you Bark! It's ironic! We gotta get to the hanger! It's our only hope." Said Bean as Bark grabbed him an ran towards the hanger.




  4. Ally started to head out as well.


    "Why don't you get re-accustomed to the place." Said Zangoose.


    "Yeah. Keep a watchful guard on things. Gotta  be ready for anything. Maybe you can make me some..."toys." Replied Lance
