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Seviper the Fang Snake

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Posts posted by Seviper the Fang Snake

  1. Bean and Bark Feral Forest, Furville

    As the duo made their way through the forest, Bean became deep in thought. "Here's a story, not so long ago I was just a regular soilder and always did what I was told. I wasn't the most remarkable trooper so when the big boss himself told me he wanted me to be part of a "super secret" project I was indeed surprised. We all know how that ended. Now I'm just a crazy little bird trying to find a place where he belongs. At least I found a friend in this crazy journey." 

    Bark tried to grab Bean's attention. "What is it big guy?"

    Bark pointed to the smoke emerging from the village and the two ran to the village.

    Bean and Bark looked at the village. "Man this place looks terrible."


    Antoine looked at the shadow looming over the town with a terrified look. "Mon Dieu."

    Charmy, Casino Night Zone

    "Right behind you!" Said Charmy following after knocking down a robot.

    Omega, Winged Fortress

    Omega gathered up his forces and waited for the order to begin.


  2. Feral Forest, Bean and Bark

    "I suppose we should fine a town or something." Said Bean as Bark pulled out a map he had on him.

    The two looked at the map to figure out their location.

    "Okay we're here in Feral Forest. Furville ain't that far from here, so let's head that way." Said Bean as the two headed for Furville.


    Wing Fortress, Omega

    "Affirmative. I am a walking arsenal."Replied Omega.


    Casino Night Zone, Charmy

    "I'm think I'm good." Said Charmy as he slammed he s stinger into one of the robots.

    One of the robots shot Charmy and grazed his leg as he took his stinger out of the robot he stung.

    Charmy tried to endured the pain and punched the robot that shot him.



  3. Casino Night Zone, Charmy

    Charmy shrunk in size in order to evade the robot's shots. The bee headed towards one of the firing robots while returning to normal size and giving said robot an uppercut.

    "It feels like there's no end to them." Said Charmy.


    Wing Fortress, Omega

    "Yes Sir. Proceeding with new mission orders. Any inferior resistance will be exterminated. Preparing my forces as we speak." Replied Omega.
