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  1. the Sonic Archie Online Forum sure doesn't like THIS place very much..

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MetroXLR99


      Not to encourage theft in general.
      but in certain special cases. "theft" isn't such a bad thing.

      like..if you were a poor child on the streets,
      and you had to steal food just to survive.

      would you do it?
      OR, would you abide the rules at the cost of your life.

      Yeah, I know. Online Comics and Food ISN'T the same thing.
      but, I am only saying that some situations offer exceptions.

      and, maybe ASO shouldn't be so "mindlessly strict" in their rules.

    3. Thire


      Like the Captain said earlier, if they were obtainable I totally would get it legitimately, unfortunately they aren't. So it's places like here that keep me a fan in the Sonic series. But those guys ARE a little too strict...

    4. teamrandom21


      I agree, and nothing on shadow but him and sling can seem pretty means spirited at times...

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