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  1. the Sonic Archie Online Forum sure doesn't like THIS place very much..

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      "Bust us"? Pretty sure we're already known ;P And I'd be here but I found here through the comics. I don't think there's as big a selling point for the sight without the comics which is a bit of a problem

    3. teamrandom21


      I though you were one of the orginal site owners begin the mod and all TBH, at least on the american side since this is a part russian site as well.

    4. MetroXLR99


      I would agree with Thire on the community thing..
      but, my experience in THAT department isn't as good as most.

      On both forums, there are two constant/common things
      that happen to me that makes me less inclined to keep coming back.

      One are rude people who just want to argue.
      The other is no responses to my posts AT ALL.

      More often than not, I tend to just come here
      for the Rare Comics, AND the Gallery this place has.

      as such, this place will always be number one ABOVE Archie Sonic Online.

    5. Show next comments  15 more
