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About MetroXLR99

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  1. the Sonic Archie Online Forum sure doesn't like THIS place very much..

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. NegaMetallix


      I've looked over there many times, and I've barely ever seen anything that could be considered as rude behaviour. You just need to know what's allowed and what's not, as well as understand that everyone will have differing opinions on various subjects.

    3. Thire


      I don't have an account, but I've seen what it's like there. Some people just seem to take things the wrong way, as stated earlier. Feels like that in reality as well...

    4. MetroXLR99


      I just got back from it.

      Sorry, but I have had enough with them.
      once them lock out a topic simply because "they don't like it"
      then, I have had ENOUGH of them.

      I am sticking to THIS Forum for topics from now on.

      There, see?
      I am now coming here for Comics, AND the Community.

    5. Show next comments  9 more
