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Posts posted by teamrandom21

  1. so just out of curiosity here, what do you guys think of Ian flynn as a writer? I like his writing but dispute what dylan says i still feel like somethings missing from it in the today comics. i also don't like reports of what he can and can't do with no if's and's or but's, but that's a whole other conversation.


    tell me what you guys think

  2. Um... you seem to have misunderstood. I never said anyone was an angel here. I just said Penders wasnt one :/

    I understand that, and I will admit I see where people are coming from with his characters, but I would be ticked too if I got hate over a misunderstanding that people don't want to believe 

    I'm staying out of this one for my own good.
    After "debating" with Penders via Twitter, I have a pretty good idea over the guy's mentality.

    It was an aggravation to even try and have a civil conversation with him (certainly not like Flynn, who was pleasant to talk to.)

    but, AGAIN. I am staying out of this topic.
    I don't care who did what to who, All I know is the end result,,and, the damage It has done in the long run.

    yeah i saw that on twitter (i have an account on their.) I haven't run into this problem yet with panders and i try more to get info about stuff we haven't heard about or his comic lara-su then arguing. Flynn i respect as well thought i'm not gonna lie, i hate with a burning passion the fact that he can't speak out about things, mainly due to archie.

  3. after this story arch, ian flynn said that he was going to have stories that focus on the other characters. what stories would you like to see. for me, i defiantly want to see a tails and nicole story. weather it's like with nicole or espio or just a story of the two going on an adventure and all, i would like to see something of the sort.

    a story with knuckles or shadow would be good too, but what do you guys think? what stories would you like to see that focus on other characters.

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  4. hey guys. i know a topic was already made about the lost hedgehog tales, but i want to make anther simply asking what do you think ian is going to let out of the bag in the upcoming parts of lost hedgehog tales?

  5. Well between getting a side fanfiction which they allow selling and their actual games of course they'd choose to focus on the actual games and its not like a small comic company is going to have the funds to pay for a movie themselves


    There's still going to be that Sonic film right? I wants that film even though its part live action DX

    to be honest with all the comics archie does i thought they were pretty big or at least up there.

  6. Huh... while I think I'd prefer a movie on what happened during Flynn's time... this would be interesting

    Okay... interesting if it is not a live action film and the characters don't look like abominations. But otherwise interesting

    it would of been nice just for archie to get something. like i told panders i feel like the comics don't get enough attention. not sure if i'm right or not but considering how they haven't appeared into the games and what not i must be on to something.

    It's not that the comics don't get enough attention it's because they get a lot of hate for not been like the games and it still apply today where the hate is there too close to the games and made wine up like everything after Sonic Colors one big fail comedy.

    I also be a bit interested in a movie basic on the comics as long as it's animated we don't need that live action mess I mean look at Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, and sadly now, but has yet to be confirmed Mega Man X.

    personally forget the people who complain it's not close to the games. it's sega who should be getting these archie characters in the game, then there wouldn't be much of a problem.

  7. Personality belief aside since I didn't really like him as a character. I also say he died sometime during the war and beside Sonic and the other freedom fighters Tails was there for her the most and years later TailsxMina was born.

    i agree. i don't like ash either. even with my headcannon that he's just grumpy because he will do anything for mina i see him as an overprotective goth wannabe. just one of the few reasons i like tails x mina (that and for some reason i can't stop shipping tails with other female characters)

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  8. Huh... while I think I'd prefer a movie on what happened during Flynn's time... this would be interesting

    Okay... interesting if it is not a live action film and the characters don't look like abominations. But otherwise interesting

    it would of been nice just for archie to get something. like i told panders i feel like the comics don't get enough attention. not sure if i'm right or not but considering how they haven't appeared into the games and what not i must be on to something.

  9. the same ken panders who's sending out wired tweets told me something intresting today. there was going to be a movie based on what he did on the comics. he had the backing of a producer of the animated x men series, and the project was meant for 2011. this sadly didn't come to be as one of the supporting people passed away.


    what do you guys think of all of this?

  10. hey guys, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, but i want to ask you guys: how do you think tails and mina got together to be married in 30 years later. one theory i have is ash just simply moved on or saw tails and mina getting closer and closer and just left to heartbroken to break up with her in person.

  11. That was just him guessing.  A former writer Archie's Sonic book that has  had nothing to do with their business for years (except for the reboot) saying that the company possibly being sold is not fact, but some small speculation that may (likely even) not even be true.  Besides, Penders has been known for bringing a bit of scaremongering to Sonic fans.

    well I hope panders is very wrong. I don't know any other company that would take the comic in and I know how some fans feel about fan made stuff 

  12. Um... you seem to have misunderstood. I never said anyone was an angel here. I just said Penders wasnt one :/

    I understand that, and I will admit I see where people are coming from with his characters, but I would be ticked too if I got hate over a misunderstanding that people don't want to believe 

  13. People say Penders is choosing money over the fans, but who originally chose their pride over the fans by filing a lawsuit against him ? Do I have to remind you that he didn't even ask money for the use of his characters ? All he wanted was Archie to use them under his mandates. And I honestly would have preferred his mandates over Sega's awful current ones. And I would like Archie to tell us once and for all why the Mega Man comic is put on hiatus (which in industry language means definitely over). I would guess it's again about some legal stuff ? Something's definitely not right at Archie Comics, and we must know what.

    that's why I respect panders. Ever since the Internet said he sued Archie and wanted money which was not the case he's got hate for it. We all blame him for the reboot when really it's Archie themselves with the blood on there hands. 

  14. Gotta say I hate the artwork very often.  When I read a strip and think 'I can do better', and my drawing skills are frankly rubbish, it's not a good sign.

    yeah,,,it;s a bit rough at times.

  15. From what I've read of it I enjoy it. However the times between new comics were... really bad. I suspect they still are. And I kind of gave up waiting and moved onto other stuff


    But still good

    true. i feel the problem the comic suffers is it's too fast paced at times.

  16. 40+ others are after Archie as well. RIP the comics 



    Good lord I know there's people that are mad at Archie too, but I didn't think over 40 people would be involve. Unless Archie have that marvel/dc money them or the Sonic Comics will be put out of business.

    personally all's i want is things to go back to normal. i know people like dylan are gonna say the same old "just let em go" speech, but if archie had either paid the other's there royaltise or asked for permission we wouldn't be having this conversation.


    and dylan i don't really think panders is the one starting this show, i feel the freelancers just wanted to take a stand and get there money.

  17. 1: stop double posting


    2: I hope not. If the comics go I won't be happy

    sorry I was on my phone and I had to get this out there dylan. Because Archie didn't want to give credit where it's due the comics may be in trouble again 

  18. And to say all this started because Archie used his characters without his permission. It can be hard to admit it, but he always owned them, since he was a freelance under contract with Archie Comics. When you're a freelance, you own everything you create until you sell your rights for it. Just like Jeremy Clarkson owned Top Gear until he sold his rights to the BBC in 2012. And since Ken never sold his rights to Archie, they were indeed doing copyright infringement. And that proves that not paying him for the reprints is illegal. Yet, Ken revealed that Archie's Lawyers have the nerves to say there is no agreement. Incredible.

    That's sad even with all this added information every Sonic fans will still find a reason to hate Ken Penders good thing me and a few others are the only ones to not be hating on Ken for something Archie did.

    same here. i feel bad for ken. imagine you're just trying to do the right thing but the media or the fan base decides to mess up the message and what not. i'm more mad at archie now. the series could have gone on the same way if they had just credit panders and the other writers but no, they had to reboot the whole (bleep)ing thing. and if that isn't bad enough, they have the audacity to have flynn keep quite and not tell the truth or they'll give him the boot. probably what ken was talking about when he said flynn does't know the trouble he's getting in with hedgehog tales.

  19. And to say all this started because Archie used his characters without his permission. It can be hard to admit it, but he always owned them, since he was a freelance under contract with Archie Comics. When you're a freelance, you own everything you create until you sell your rights for it. Just like Jeremy Clarkson owned Top Gear until he sold his rights to the BBC in 2012. And since Ken never sold his rights to Archie, they were indeed doing copyright infringement. And that proves that not paying him for the reprints is illegal. Yet, Ken revealed that Archie's Lawyers have the nerves to say there is no agreement. Incredible.

    I feel so stupid now, this all makes scene, why archie isn't using the other writers characters, why panders is in the right. man i feel so stupid, but i am siding with panders on this one 100%. i have nothing against the guy and thanks to you're comment i now understand who's right and who's wrong. i didn't mean to not know, the situation was just a mess and what not. archie, you really disappoint me here, and people wonder why i would be ok with sega taking away you're rights to do sonic comics.
