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Posts posted by teamrandom21

  1. I know that the comic ending is a negative topic, but let's turn it some what positive. How would you like the comic to end?

    I want it to end with one big showdown and then somewhat a happy ending, like everything is at peace or is going to be very peaceful from this point on.

  2. Sega doesn't have a clue what to do with Sonic.  After all, they followed Generations with Lost World, and they tried rebooting with Boom when most fans would be happy with remakes with Sonic Adventure 1+2

    that would explain a lot...

  3. Sadly true. I do think he has some truth to what he said about Sonic not begin published by Archie past 2016. I know you guys are gonna get mad at me for this, but the whole series in itself isn't looking too good to begin with (the sonic games).

  4. The thing I liked least is Mick McMahon's design. The drawing themselves aren't bad, but he barely changes character's facial expressions. Anyway, let's not go too far away from topic. Back to Penders. No matter what we think or say, the fact is that Archie never made him sign any document saying his work could become their property, so his creations were always his, which also means that any revenue from reprints and use of his characters after his departure without his consent was illegal. The real people to blame are Archie's careless and stupid lawyers from the time. Want an example of good lawyers ? The ones at Bongo Comics. They wouldn't allow them to publish Simpsons fan arts unless the persons who made them state that they become Bongo's property.

    I actually feel bad for arguing with Penders now. No wonder he's so grumpy now -a-days. Everyone keeps wanting to point to him as the bad guy when it's really archie, which I'm really starting to see with how the company has been acting lately, and people wonder why I don't want them publishing sonic comics anymore.

  5. Oh, yeah.  Britain also isn't as crazy about copyright as the US, and the BBC didn't really care about Dr Who till it came back in 2004.

    So any conspiracy about the BBC being behind StC cancellation is unfounded.

    Jokes on BBC, the comic is still alive.

  6. Yeah, about that...

    There was a 5-page preview (standard for upcoming comic releases) for the final part of Eggman’s Dozen a few days ago. But for some reason, the preview had 3 pages from the beginning of the issue... and the last 2 pages from the end, pretty much spoiling what happens to the Naugus twins. Obviously I won't spoil exactly what happens, but I will say...

    Hidden Content

    I hate to be that guy but I can't help but laugh at this

  7. I kind of ship Tails and Blaze and Sonic and Blaze.

    Tails and Blaze because of Tails mentality to like older women (at least in the comics) and his sweetness that would sort of cool down Blaze.

    Sonic and Blaze because of the ship hints in games like Rush and black knight and them begin the same in each of their universes/zones.

  8. I really like the idea of making them different colors. I'd personally make them all colors of the rainbow. 

    Yeah, sometimes Fans can make better works than the copyright holders themselves.

    especially in the fan fiction stuff.

  9. Do you guys think that Sonic mega-drive is going to get a spin off comic? I know they said there's a good chance if there are enough pre-orders, and personally I'm hoping we get it. Nothing wrong with a little vintage Sonic and begin honest here Tails looks super kawaii

  10. lucky her...

    I kind of didn't like Sonics parents though, as strange as it sounds i perfer the whole "Eggman turned evil by a bad egg" story, either that or something about eggman going insane because he can't get back to earth and what not.

  11. Though it's not set in stone, one of the users on ASO is friends with Jon Gray on facebook, and he said the following.


    "I got to work w/ so many wonderful ppl during my time on Sonic the Hedgehog and w/ so many wonderful talents including drawing my own stuff. It's a shame that I'll probably never see my Sonic artwork from Sonic collected anywhere, but that's not really my fault soooooo~~~❤️❤️❤️"

    While it's not conformed, it is looking a bit black for sonic archives. Legal trouble from the infamous lawsuit may be the cause of this, and it could be that Archie is doing this to avoid any more legal lawsuits. what do you guys think?

  12. Well... they can't exactly do much about it since a lot of them are not allowed in

    I still am pretty bias against the whole headlining and reminding people that the sonic crew are going to forget everything that happen from the old world thing. I'd rather they just do it silently instead. 

  13. Honestly, it's really just better off if they let the old characters go and not use them. As much as I miss them and everything, if old characters are used then everyone is going to get hopeful and beg that they return more and it'll just end up a big mess

    true, and I keep forgetting their names but I really want to see more of the trio we saw with the green fox and one big dude.

  14. Sorry about the neo said thing I have no idea how to get rid of this, but I do hope archie does something for the 25th anniversary. I also hope Karl b. let's them use his characters. I'm not trying to go back to my old ways guys, but at the same time Karl said he didn't realize he had the rights to his own characters because he thought they went to sega/archie, so that's a good sign. 

  15. kind of hope we do, like I said, nothing on lost world but I'm kind of not crazy on the idea of it getting an adaption. Maybe if it leads to the freedom fighters getting harassed by the other dudes and having to fight them, but other then that i'm good.

  16. That's the fun part of a comic adaptation: it doesn't have to be a one-to-one replica of Lost World's story. Sure, the basics would still be there (Eggman discovers Lost Hex, controls the Deadly Six, Sonic messes things up, the D6 retaliate against both Sonic and Eggman, Sonic must stop them) but it's bound to have its differences. For example, perhaps Eggman won't team up with Sonic at all during their time on the Lost Hex.

    Also keep in mind, it might not be that long of a saga. The current Unleashed saga is only taking so long because they had to establish the new world, on top of adapting one of the biggest Sonic game stories out there. (And the less said about Worlds Unite, the better...) Lost World is much more simple, with the only really notable part being Eggman's World-Draining Machine. For all we know, Sonic could head to the Lost Hex without the Freedom Fighters (well, aside from Tails and perhaps Amy too), leaving them to witness the effects of the WDM from the Sky Patrol or something. On top of that, Sonic Universe is bound to do it's own thing, mostly seperate from Lost World's story (aside from the aforementioned world-draining part).

    Maybe Knuckles will help Sonic on Lost Hex. Maybe Team Dark will encounter Eclipse again. Maybe we'll catch up on Silver's Genesis Portal adventures. Maybe we'll see... whatever Blaze is doing nowadays. Again, the actual 'Lost Hex' storyline might only go on for 8-or-so issues, or they might drag it out a bit longer. It all depends on what Ian Flynn and the editor think is long enough to correctly adapt the story before moving on to new adventures.

    ...Or maybe they'll throw a curveball and do something that NO-ONE will see coming. It is Sonic's 25th Anniversary, after all.

    True, and a part of me still wants to see sticks cross universes unless she can make a debut in sonic the comic online.

  17. Honestly I'm a little fed up of the Sonic Adventure storyline. I'm a little happier to have a Lost World adaption doesn't have to be EXACTLY the same as the game than yet another Sonic Adventure storlyine. You say it wouldn't be a good idea because of the game. But it's not going to be the exact same as the game. I mean look at the Sonic Unleashed one. It has a few simularities but it's not close to the same

    you do make a good point. I really don't want it to be anything like the game. Add in an egg boss and the freedom fighters from SATAM and I think it will be a good enough story.

  18. As I said, there's definitely gonna be some new adventures for Sonic before a Lost World adaptation happens. I'm pretty certain that they'll at least wait until after issue #300.

    As for new villains, I think there are enough to work with right now. The Naugus twins are gonna be hanging around for a while, Eclipse is still somewhere on the planet, the Deadly Six might actually become more interesting (rather than getting controlled by a certain other bald egomaniac) and Captain Metal is still functioning... I think.

    I'm not in such a rush to see more new villains. Maybe once the Freedom Fighters have encountered all the Egg Bosses, and other villains have been permanently(?), then some new ones can enter the fray.

    IDK, I kind of don't like the lost world adaption idea, only because lost world really wasn't that good TBH. I like the bosses, but overall I think they should go back to memory lane and have a sonic adventure story again or something that takes place in station square.
