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What Kind of New Sonic Villains that Archie SHOULD Consider Making.

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Because of the fact that Sonic the Hedgehog as a franchise is about a "Heroic Character with Super-Speed"
It wasn't too difficult for me to piece a connection between Sonic and DC Comic's "The Flash"
(which is currently being made popular with the CW TV Series/Spinoff of "The Arrow")

All of Flash's villains have tested Flash's speed in some way.
So, I think that Archie Comics ought to make new villains based upon "The Rogues"



In the Pre-SGW Continuity, we already had Scourge/Anti-Sonic, who was similar enough to Professor Zoom/Reverse-Flash.

but, I think we need more villains like that.

I mean, what? Ice Powers/Weapons (Captain Cold), Weather Manipulation (Weather Wizard)
an Illusionist (Mirror Master), and evil counterpart to Blaze (Heatwave) and, a crazy Trickster (duh.)

It'd sure make for some good Sonic stories if they took a cue from the OTHER "Fastest Thing Alive" in comic books.

Just a suggestion.


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Ehh... I think theyd need to be a little careful about doing that. I think if they threw in a bunch of OP villains then it just becomes a constant "Sonic defeats X again" instead of giving others a chance. And it'll just end up a little boring for me

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  On 12/27/2015 at 8:46 AM, Dylan said:

Ehh... I think theyd need to be a little careful about doing that. I think if they threw in a bunch of OP villains then it just becomes a constant "Sonic defeats X again" instead of giving others a chance. And it'll just end up a little boring for me

The idea is for there is be villains that Sonic has a hard time beating.

For instance, a "Captain Cold" type of villain is an ideal adversary for Sonic.
as in "Flash", Cold's Cryo-Gun doesn't just freeze things..It's affects Flash's speed, slowing him down.

Think of in the Classic Sonic games, where Sonic ended up in underwater sections of levels.
while still fast, Sonic's top speed was decreased while underwater.

It's like they explained in the "Necessary Evil" documentary.
If the hero ALWAYS beats the villains, then he seems more of a bully
(likewise, if the villain always wins, then the Hero seems rather weak, and NOT heroic at all.)

Writers need to balance It out. Make It "Not too hard, and Not too easy."

As I mentioned before, Scourge was the ideal "Reverse-Flash" for Sonic.
being just as fast as Sonic, AND having a similar skill set, Sonic had difficulty beating him.

That is what I want from this suggestion: Villains who TEST Sonic, and force him to be the Hero that we all know he is.
It's one thing to be the "Fastest Thing Alive." and, another to know how to use that title to It's fullest.

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While I'm not really sold on the whole 'Copy Flash Villains' idea personally, there are some things I wanna say:

- I would really like to see an ice-based villain (with ice/freezing abilities) appear at some point. I think the closest we have so far is Egg Boss Tundra, but he hasn't actually shown any sign of having these abilities. Then again, 'Eggman's Dozen' is soon to be released, so... who knows?

- As for the 'Reverse-Flash/Scourge' idea, well... there's already Metal Sonic (and Shadow, to an extent). Granted, the only times he's appeared so far is when he's outnumbered, leading him to be defeated and/or tricked out of a battle. Despite that, he's definitely still more of a threat now than he was pre-reboot (probably why Scourge still had some relevance). No matter how many times Sonic beat's Metal, he just keeps coming back, sometimes even stronger than before. Heck, even when facing both Sonic AND Silver in a burning wasteland, Metal was only beaten after they sealed him away in another dimension, and managed to function long enough for Eggman to bring him home. Anyway... I think I've made my point clear. Besides, I really don't see SEGA allowing another super-speedy hedgehog (or equivalent) being allowed to exist unless they make anotherone themselves.

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i kind of want a villain with a tragic background/history. someone who we can relate to or just needs help to get his head strieght. sort of like the skunk dude when he was with that one wizard dude.

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My suggestion is not so much "Copy Flash Villains", but more of: Create-New-Villains-Inspired-by-The-Flash.

As long as they have the same powers and abilities (which is all that matters, really)
then, Sega/Archie can do whatever they want with the concept.

at the very least, they should have Eggman use a common "Flash Trap"
slapping a "Speed Bomb" on Sonic's wrist that'll detonated if he slows down, tries to remove it, or does nothing in an hour.

there was only ONE way that the Scarlett Speedster survived this trap.
and, Sonic would have to do more than just run fast to do the same. 



 I kind of want a villain with a tragic background/history. someone who we can relate to or just needs help to get his head straight.

sort of like the skunk dude when he was with that one wizard dude.

Geoffery wasn't really a likable character from the very start with me.
his arrogance, superior mindedness, and racism against humans made me agree with Sonic's own opinion of the guy.

It didn't surprise me one bit that he turned out to be working for Naugus the entire time.


(Mod note: you're still double posting. Stop it)

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That would be interesting. We had Shadow, but he turn good so he's out before we had Knuckles but he became Sonic's friends after Sonic 3 & Knuckles, we have Metal Sonic but those fight became one sided as we all know Sonic is going to win every time. So yeah we need another villain to challenge Sonic at speed.

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as long as its not a villian with the same or faster speed than sonic, that sounds nice.

  On 12/27/2015 at 6:55 PM, teamrandom21 said:

i kind of want a villain with a tragic background/history. someone who we can relate to or just needs help to get his head strieght. sort of like the skunk dude when he was with that one wizard dude.

i think some current egg boss fit this like cassia, clove and the vulture lady. while they dont have tragic backgrounds, they are in a bad situation and think joining eggman is their only hope. the only problem is they both are calm and smart, know eggman is bad, only works under him under threat/desperation to save someone, and try to keep damage at minimum. quite different from geoffery i suppose. 

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Does anyone know what happened to Naugus?

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Hes still alive and about to attack Eggman

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  On 2/4/2016 at 9:39 PM, Dylan said:

Hes still alive and about to attack Eggman

OOOOHH, that's exciting!


What about that master Emerald shard?

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