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GamerGate 8 votes
1. Where do you stand on GamerGate?
I'm Pro-GG; I'm against corruption in the game industry and I actively boycott offending sites. (Gawker, Kotaku, Polygon, etc.)
I'm Pro-GG; I'm against corruption in the game industry but I do not actively boycott offending sites.0
I'm neutral; I really have no idea what's going on.
I'm neutral; I know what's going on but I don't really care about it.
I'm neutral; I know what's going on but I don't want to comment on it because I fear getting insulting or attacked by either side.
I'm Anti-GG; I think this entire ordeal is an overreaction and there isn't really any corruption in the industry.0
I'm Anti-GG; I think everyone supporting GamerGate is a sexist and/or racist who is against diversity in the industry.0
I'm Anti-GG; I will not support this until it disassociates itself from the people who abuse it.
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