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(Banned because can I at least be cute if I'm going to be a pokemon? ;))

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(Banned because you mean you want us to spin the wheel again?)

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(Banned because... yes

What can I say? I'm evil but I have some kindness... to myself)

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Banned because... Should we Master?

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Banned because yeah, why not. Do you want to spin again, or shall I?

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Banned because... You do it...

(DYLAN! How could you say that?! Torchics are cute!)

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Banned because Okay, I think I can set this thing on a cute pattern.

*spins wheel*

And.... Skitty

(If you don't like that, second choice is Deerling!)

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Banned because *transforms into Skitty*


(Sorry. But they don't look cute to me

And um... okay. Skitty it is I guess since I don't know what a Deerling is)

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Banned because... NO! Skitty is okay! Evil people need cats and a revolving chair!

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Banned because Aww Dylan is sooooo sweet now!

*goes to pick up Dylan*

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Banned because *Jumps away from Skye*


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Banned because now all we need is a revolving chair.

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Banned because *runs and bumps into the wheel causing it to land on Latias*

*Turns into Latia*

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Banned because Latias!

Floats above Skye and Inuki

(Because I don't care they make a different sound)

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Banned because...EVEN BETTER!

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Banned because Latias?

*Confused at feeling so strange*

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Banned because Hold on, I've got a translation collar here. Hey Dylan, fly down so we can fit this so you can talk.

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Banned because I'm beginning to wonder if we're still evil and crazy or not.

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Banned because *flies lower*


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Banned because Uh... I dunno... Crazy, yeah, Evil... uh.... maybe more mischievous. But that's more fun!

*puts collar on Dylan*

There, you should be able to talk now

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Banned because what happened? Why do I feel so strange

*Voice comes out as a girl's*

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Banned because... awww.. and I still wanted to blast half of China off with the wind. *snickers* Dylan's a girl

Edited by Inuki

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Banned because uh... well, you are a pokemon now... I think the collar's voice setting might need fixed....

*checks it*

Er, no, it's working fine....

You could still do that Inuki, if you wanted

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Banned because girly voice for Dylan...


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