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"You're All Fired! A "Continue the Story" thread!

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(Below is a free paragraph to use for anyone who wants to create their own "continue the tale" story! You don't even have to give me credit for it! Edit anything you think needs so!)

Well, here's the pitch. This is basically a thread where one person makes a continuation of what the previous person does. It's kinda like an RP thread, but you can play any and every character you want. Just remember, make it age appropriate and make characters that already exist true to their behavior and personality as much as you can, even though you may not know them very well. There are two ways you can write a story, through a script or a novelization. But if the post above you is one of those things, you cannot do the other. This is because [whoever writes and/or reads here] doesn't want too much confusion. And please don't rewrite someone's addition, that's just rude. And, um…only write one or two scenes each post, guess why. And separate the "answering questions" and "story" areas by a something such as a dotted line, as you see below this paragraph. I'll begin:


You're All Fired! Part One: Unexpected Circumstances

(On a set in Archie Comic Publications Inc, Knuckles is holding a Warp Ring in the same position as the last panel of StH #243. A photo is taken of him in this position.)

Editor Paul Kaminski: And that's a wrap! (Everyone leaves, Paul moves toward Knuckles) Good job, Knux. See you tomorrow.

Knuckles: Same to you, Paul. (Walks off the set into the hallway) Well, today turned out great. A cool new addition to our picture comic*, and with an ending like that, the fans'll love what happens next! (Runs into Writer Ian Flynn)

Ian: Hey, Knuckles. Here's your new script. (Gives it to him)

Knuckles: Wait, new script? What was wrong with the old one?

Ian: Well, Knux, due to the legal dispute we have combined with the fact that we're over budget, you will be the only Echidna in the next issue.

Knuckles: Why? It can't be that bad.

Ian: Well, due to what our lawyers say, we had to do something, so everyone who got hired* by Ken Penders-including your girlfriend-got…how do I put this gently? Thrown out. The pink slip. Rightsized. The boot. The sack. They'll never work in this town again. They're…fired.

Knuckles: WHAT!?


*Those were wrote so it could sound more like the characters were real actors. This universe is like the Off-Panel; the characters in the comics work nearly the same way "toons" do in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Edited by The Jest

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Speaking out of character for a second, an interesting idea.

There's little to no reason to make this into a separate topic to the one you already have. I already said in the Welcome thread that double posts are allowed for the author (IE. You). So for that reason, I'm merging the topics together.

(EDIT: I didn't notice that you that little note you made on the last one. My apologies, but I think I've taken care of it now.)

With all of that said, let's see how far we can take this idea of yours.

(P.S. I don't think you have to worry about people editing others posts. Only Staff members like myself and Geoffrey can make edits.)

(P.S.S. Bear with me here, it's been a while since I've used this script format.)


You're all fired! Part two: No choice

Knuckles: *Grabs Ian by the collar* What do you mean "Fired"!?

Ian: It's exactly as I said, Knuckles. Though, I couldn't think of a better... Laid-off! THAT'S the word I was looking for.

Knuckles: Oh, how good for you. But it doesn't matter WHAT you call it, Ian. How are you going to fix this? I can't just say I'm determined to save my race, and then not actually do it throughout the series.

Ian: Oh, that problem you don't have to worry about.

Knuckles: ...What do you mean?

Ian: That world's collide crossover you guys are doing with Megaman? By the end we plan to have Eggman attack Sonic as he tries to correct reality. So, in that position, we can just make it like your race, or at least the characters in your race, never existed.

Ian is then socked in the face and thrown into a room, which Knuckles closes and locks the door before grabbing him again. Infuritated anger in his eyes.

Knuckles: So you're telling me that all, ALL, of my character development, everything I have done alone without the glory-hog, and the 'chosen' fox, my mini-series, ...my Spin-off series that closed before it could even touch Sonic's, everything that was all about me and my kind, you're just going to Ret-con!? I don't have a Family in this because of you guys!

Ian: You think I LIKE this, Knux? You realize how much potential stories I'm losing because of this legal fiasco? I had to lay-off Geoffrey and Elias too for crying out loud. I'm not proud of that. I can't get in another secret freedom fighters segment now, and I may have to lay-off Shard without that. I had good plans for Geoffrey as well, but now that's down the drain as well. Hell, if this keeps up, I may have to resort to adapting the recent Sonic games' stories into this. That's the bottom of the barrel for us Sonic writers to have to copy the games when we could be making our own.

This seems to calm Knuckles down as he then sits down in sorrow.

Ian: Believe me, If this was my say, I'd take them back. I may have not been that good of a writer compared to my predecessors, despite the fact I'm still trying but that's besides the point right now; but I'm a writer nevertheless. No writer can say they enjoy ret-cons of their work, or being forced to take away characters and potential storylines with them. I really am sorry about this, Knux. But it's a legal decision, and one forced on me by the higher-ups, I don't have a choice. ...I know you guys aren't used to this kind of thing, being more use to being in the game industry. You probably don't know because, honestly, we've been taking it easy on you guys for all of these years compared to the big boys of the industry like Marvel and DC. But the fact is, Things like this is common, very common in this business. If anything, you guys are lucky this happened only now, when it could have happened at any point in time since the start of this series. I mean, this is the second Genesis wave that will be happening. We could have did this immediately after the first.

Knuckles then gets off the chair and slowly walks out.

Knuckles: ...You guys don't need me for anything else today, right?

Ian: Uhh, No. The last picture made just about does it for today. ...Want me to come with? Food and drinks'll be on me.

Knuckles: ...Thanks, but I think I'll pass. ...I...need to be alone for a while. *Walks out and closes the door behind him*

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I'm not gonna come back here again until this topic becomes [HOT]. The story is in your hands until then! Carry it safely! This one's gonna be short, though.


You're all Fired! Part Three: Sneakout!

Knuckles opens the door to his house, goes upstairs to his room, and flops onto his bed.

Knuckles: *sighs* Oh, well. At least I still have a job.

Knuckles hears some people talking…and they don't sound familiar-or friendly.

Knuckles: Huh? Who's there? *looks out the window, sees some thugs in front of a car* Oh, great. Some more bad news.

Big thug: …on the black market! Now you see, boys? Now just fix the wagon so we can get the greens!

Minion thug #1: Um, it was never broken from the start. I just like to be under this car.

The Big thug uses duct tape to stick the Minion thug to the bottom of the car.

Big thug: Well, ya still like it?

Minion thug #1: (mouth covered with duct tape) Mmm mmm mmm…

Big thug: I thought so. Anyone else?

The other thugs stay quiet…

Big thug: Good. Now get in the car so we can go the bank! (The thugs do that)

Knuckles: This looks like trouble. I oughta do the old thing. Well, they won't know. (Jumps out the window and lands on the car just as it starts moving) This could cheer me up…

Lara-Le opens the door to Knuckles' room…

Lara: Sweetie, I didn't know you were…(sees an empty room with an open window)…not again!

Edited by BlueBlur62391

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I got nothing that'll work for a continuation, so I have the next best thing–Off-Panels!


Off-Panel: Think Twice

Julie-Su: Aw, man. I'm not even close to being in this story. Well, it could be worse.

Thrash: Well, hello, little sheila.

Julie-Su: Me and my big mouth.

Edited by BlueBlur62391

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