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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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No, which is why I did a different one

And good luck, Survivor

And yes you should Locke, it's unhealthy

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*Pours melted chocolate all over BlueBlur*

No thanks


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*Disappears then reappears with Dilly, then pours a large amount of tabasco sauce on him* I'M the spicy one!

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"Stay on the side." You that , as long as I'm not included.

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So I can do this as long as you don't get hit by a durian or whatever?

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Hum, Blue, This time I'm going to be serious . Try to make sense , and PLEASE , don't insult other peoples, ok? thank you.

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This is like roleplaying. There's no real insults!

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No . No matter what, an insult is still an insult. And there, it seemed that you were directly insulting survivor. That's not nice man. At all.

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I'd prefer to stay out of arguments and how could you teleport away and come back with a fake Dylan?

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Such are the way of this world...... A very strange one that is.

Too bad I enjoy it.

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You have strange taste. Not that I mind that

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*Throws pineapples at everyone* This is fruity.

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I'd like to remind everyone that... Oh hell. "push button" . I'll just sit down and watch you two fighting with puns while waiting for everyone else to come back.

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Nah, I have better things to do than get involved with food pun fights

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Everyone does.

For exemple. I finally got to sleep to acceptable hours !

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Well, The day is here . And no one is there. I guess I can afford to wait today.

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I'm back again! I'm rested and ready for... things

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I guess it's back at it, I guess. *squirts relish* Relish the moment. Okay, that was terrible.

*throws pickles* Relish the moment. Okay, that would've been cool if it wasn't redundant.

Edited by BlueBlur62391

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*Pours ice water all over Blueblu*

Chill out on the puns. Theyre getting bad

(ooc: Okay, that one I "borrowed" from RPM2)

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It start like this,and it end up with someone thrown in a food stand.

Now all we need is a pyrocat that teleport everywhere, and we'll be fine.

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