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Ain't that a little harsher, NMS?

(And oh my, Beelzemon as your avatar, are you a Tamers fan as well?)

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Umm... No. I'm not a fan of tamers but I like Beelzemon. I think Xros Wars Beelzemon was cool too.

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I see. And I gotta agree, Xros Wars' Beelzemon is way awesome than the original. :3 Tell me, are you a Digimon fan as well? ^^

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Everyone must be fan of a "Mon" thing and Digimon is way better than Pokemon, So yes i'm a fan of digimon... Only if they had games as good as pokemon...

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Well, I see I had just met a fellow Digimon fan. :3

Ah yes. The games, I had played the DS ones before, and truthfully, I enjoyed at first but overtime I lost interest.

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there's not much to do after finishing the game...BUT look at the pokemon games, Once you finish them by beating the Elite 4 the game just starts....many secrets.

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Exactly. *sigh* I do hope they could make a decent digimon game in the future. :l

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Well Digimon Xros Wars Blue/Red look like interesting. Too bad that they are not in english.

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Darn. I thought it was already released in English. :l

Though I did manage to play an online Digimon game once. :3

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I think the BEST Digimon Game IS Digimon Rumble Arena. It is great.

They messed it up in DRA 2.

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Really? I haven't played that game. Is it good?

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It's not the digimon training type , more like a one on one fight between digimons. The music it has is great.

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More like a beat em up type then? That's cool.

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It has a good selection of digimon like BlackWarGreymon and Imperial Dramon Paladin Mode, And Beelzemon.

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Hmmm.. Out of the three, I think I'll go for BKWarGreymon. He's awesome.

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I think his the best in the game, Beelzemon is the hardest to get, And IMDPMode has attacks that nothing expect guarding can block.

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Omg, YES! Incredibles 2! ME WANT ME WANT ME WANT.

I am pretty sure the person who'll win in crossover races will be






were you expecting something funny?

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NMS: Really? Whoa.


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YAY! *pets and huggles inuki*

hey, I finally found what I wanna be, Inuki's sister :P

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Kyaa! I feel so loved whenever someone huggles me. *w*

Ummm. Come again?

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Awwww. i would. :3

And I'd be happy to be your sister! We'll do things only sisters do and WE. WILL. ENJOY. IT.

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Don't cry. Here, have a tissue. *hands you one*

Already way ahead of you. *shows claw polish*

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