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Blaze was cheering Silver's life, and Knuckles hugged Rouge in a park while Showing Sally's cute face to Sonic!

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Blaze was cheering Silver's life, and Shadow hugged Rouge in a park while Showing Sally's cute face to Sonic!

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Blaze was cheering Silver's life, and Shadow hugged Rouge in a park while Showing Omega's cute face to Sonic!

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Marine was cheering Silver's life, and Shadow hugged Rouge in a park while Showing Omega's cute face to Sonic!

(Poor Silver)

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Marine was cheering Silver's life, and Shadow hugged Rouge in a park while Showing Omega's cute face to Robotnik !

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Marine was cheering Silver's life, and Shadow hugged Rouge in a park while Showing Omega's cute face to Gamma!

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Marine was cheering Silver , and Shadow hugged Rouge in a park while Showing Omega's cute face to Gamma!

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Marine was cheering Tails, and Shadow hugged Rouge in a park while Showing Omega's cute face to Gamma!

(Bringing this back to life again. And definitely NOT taking over the party games :P )

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Marine was eating Tails, and Shadow hugged Rouge in a park while Showing Omega's cute face to Gamma!

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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Sonic was eating Tails, and Shadow hugged Rouge in a park while Showing Omega's cute face to Gamma!

(Poor Tails)

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Sonic was eating tails, and shadow hugged balloons in a park while showing Omega's cute face to Gamma.

Edited by sweet_lil_eliza

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Sonic was eating tails, and shadow hugged Knuckles in a park while showing Omega's cute face to Gamma.

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Sonic was eating tails, and Shadow hugged Knuckles in a park while showing omega's cute pony to gamma...

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Sonic was eating tails, and Shadow hugged Knuckles in a park while showing omega's cute pony to Eggman

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Sonic was eating tails, and shadow danced with knuckles in a park while showing omega's cute pony to Eggman.

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(Hey, you can only change ONE word)

Sonic was eating tails, and shadow danced with knuckles in a park while showing Snively's cute pony to Eggman.

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(We can add a word too)

Sonic was eating tails, and shadow danced with knuckles in a park while showing Snively's cute nose to Eggman

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Sonic was eating tails, and shadow danced with knuckles in a party while showing Snively's cute nose to Eggman

(No. I think only one word can be added/changed/removed)

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(umm.. okay)

Sonic was beating tails, and shadow danced with knuckles in a party while showing Snively's cute nose to Eggman

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Sonic was beating tails, and shadow danced with knuckles in a disco party while showing Snively's cute nose to Eggman

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Sonic was beating tails, and shadow danced with knuckles in a study party while showing Snively's cute nose to Eggman

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Sonic was kicking tails, and shadow danced with knuckles in a study party while showing Snively's cute nose to Eggman

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Sonic was kicking tails, and shadow danced with emeralds in a study party while showing Snively's cute nose to Eggman

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Sonic was kicking tails, and Rouge danced with emeralds in a study party while showing Snively's cute nose to Eggman

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Sonic was kicking tails, and Rouge danced with emeralds in a midnight party while showing Snively's cute nose to Eggman

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