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Found 3 results

  1. Although the fans of Shard the Metal Sonic may be very vocal, there aren't nearly as many as I would hope, so fanart of Shard is pretty scarce. I decided to dedicate my time playing Minecraft to Shard, but there were no good Shard skins. So, I made my own. It's not perfect, especially in the shading department, but I figured I'd share it here anyways. http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/shard-the-metal-sonic-3877283/
  2. Castle Miner Z

    This game is available on Xbox 360 and on PC. It is basically Minecraft with guns and dragons(at least dragons more often) but with more excitement, awesome music, and better graphics. you can find more information about it here. castleminerz.com If you haven't played the game well, just say what you might think of it. Have fun!
  3. Hey guys who are reading this me and my friend (the creator of the Knothole in Minecraft map) sat down and decided we wanted to do a full replication of the world of SatAM in Minecraft! Do you guys think we can do it? If so we need your help. We need builders, worldedit mod supporters, a server host, and nice supportive people. If you want to help in this endeavor leave a reply with the info below. Name: Age: What job you want: (builder, world-editer, eta.) Can you host a sever: (Yes or No) Can you Support World-Edit? Do you have Skype? So guys if you have Minecraft and want to help out leave a reply and if I can get things rolling this dream may become a reality.
