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  1. Creepypasta Oc Story: Shadow Girl

    The Shadow Girl: She was always strange. "Strange", "A freak", "Odd", "Creepy", That's how everyone who ever met her described her. Well at least the one's from her school. She never had many friends, and she was okay with that, she didn't mind. Her name was Vivian Thompson, she was pretty much like any normal 17-year old would be, she went to school normally, hanged out with her friends in the afternoon, went home, watched anime...etc. She liked anime, it was interesting perfect opposite from her usual life. What really made her different, were her friends. Her first friend was about her age, always wore black, black hoodie, black baggy pants, black hair.. She always followed Vivian where ever she went, always few steps behind her. Most of the people didn't even pay attention to her, that's what really made her mad. She wanted to be noticed. Of course what else would you expect.. She was only a shadow after all. A literal Shadow. Vivian's shadow, hence why she always wore the same clothes as her, looked like her. However she did not sound like her.Vivian called her "Kage". Her voice was always really quiet like someone whispering, or like dry leaves rustling. She and Vivian could have been twins except Kage was completely black and had two small yellow eyes, and a horrible smile, no matter what. Vivian's other friend however was nothing like her. She liked him. He always allowed her to hug him when she was feeling down or scared. He was there for her when she first started school, he was there when she had no one else to talk to, he was there when she went to sleep. For he was her teddy bear. Vivian named him Yellow Death, because the teddy bear had painted bloody claws, and "blood" on it's mouth. It had a small nose and two black eyes. It's head was quite big, but for Vivian it was just perfect. She always spent time with her friends. She carried Yellow Death to school, and Kage would follow her. However she had bully problem. Three bullies to be exact. About the same age as her. She wasn't really talkative, she usually stayed in the background hoping no one would notice her at all, and would just leave her be. Those bullies, did not do so. Instead they decided to make every break time a living hell for her. Sometimes they just found out her hiding spot, and would call her names, "a wuss", "freak", "psycho", you name it they said it. Sometimes they would kick her stomach until she would start crying, usually she fell on the ground hugging Yellow Death tightly wishing the break would end. Sometimes they even threw rocks at her.  Once it hit her head so hard, she had to be taken to the school nurse for a checkup. When the nurse asked what happened she would simply answer ;"I fell miss.", "I fell, and I hit my head." She didn't want to hate anyone, she didn't hate the bullies, but the things they did to her and mostly to her friends. Once one of the bullies stepped on Kage which made Vivian cry and yell "Stop! You're hurting her!" Which of course provoked the bullies even further, as they would all stomp on her shadow making fun of it. That was the day, when Kage got mad. Vivian walked home all beaten up, but thanks to her covering clothing her parents wouldn't even notice the bruises she had, that's why she wore them in the first place, as she did not want to be a burden to her parents. Vivian did not remember when she had first lied to her parents about her wounds, but that had been a long time ago. "I don't like them.." Vivian said hugging her knees. ;"You don't like who?" Kage asked coming out from the shadows near by.;"The bullies, I don't like what they're doing, they always hurt me, and you two." Vivian said wiping her tears. ;"..Then why don't you simply "remove" them?" Kage asked smiling. "No bullies, no problems." Kage continued. ;"R-Remove them? How?", Kage's smile grew even more sinister, as she placed her hand on Vivian's shoulder. "You trust me don't you? We're friends, pals, aren't we?" Vivian looked into her eyes. ;"Yea...?", ;"Then leave everything to you good old friend Kage, okay? Khihihi..." She giggled. The next day at school, Vivian tried to avoid the bullies by going into the shadows of the schools walls. Because of her black clothing she did fit in well enough, but thanks to Kage it was as if she became one with the shadows. For a moment she felt like she couldn't breath. But seconds later she was just fine, standing in the hallway as usual. She didn't question it. It was what happened at the school yard, that turned her life upside down. She was sitting in the shadows, as usual when her bullies came there laughing and talking. She suddenly heard her own voice saying: ;"Hey! You idiots over there!" She turned to look only to see Kage's two glowing eyes looking back at hers. ;"W-What are you doing? You're making them mad!" Vivian whispered to Kage. ;"Trust me friend... I know what I'm doing..Khihi.." Kage explained. ;"I-If you say so.." Vivian said, lifting her light brown hair from over her right eye.  The bullies only saw Vivian standing there hugging her teddy bear. ;"Again with that stupid stuffed animal? What are you, five?!" one of them yelled, the two others laughing at his marvelous joke. ;"Yeah! What Josh said!" One of them yelled. ;"Um.. I.." Vivian started, when suddenly she felt someone grab her right arm twisting it enough for it hurt and let her go off from Yellow Death. ;"Seriously what is up with you bringing this along? It's not alive or anything, you really need help.." Josh said throwing Yellow Death on the ground, near a mud puddle.  "In fact.. Why don't we help our classmate guys?!" Josh asked, evil smile appearing on his face. ;"Hey, Yeah! Let's help her "let go of the past!" the other one started. Vivian watched horrified. Josh took out a pocketknife, grabbed Yellow Death from the leg and held it up above the mud puddle. ;"So where shall we start...? The legs? or the arms? Or maybe head?" He asked from his friends. ;"S-Stop! It don't hurt Yellow Death! He hasn't done anything!" Vivian yelled as the third bully twisted her arm more, making her fall on her knees on the ground. ;"What was that freak? I couldn't quite hear- oops!"Josh said insultingly as he let go off YW's leg making it fall in the mud puddle. If they could have heard it, They would have heard YW scream, as they stepped on it's back making it's fur all dirty, it's face still in the mud puddle. Vivian was already crying her head on the ground ;"Please.. Stop!!" The bully let go of her and joined the others, seeing how much more it hurt her. Kage appeared by her side. ;"Well...? Don't you want to save him? Don't you want to hurt them? They're going to tear him apart limb by limb if you don't do anything.." She whispered in her ear. Vivian lifted her head from the ground, tears still falling, she stood up and turned towards Kage. ;"I want to help him.", "I want to hurt them." She heard Josh yelling:"Let's tear it apart!" "I want to KILL them!" Vivian yelled, as a cruel smile appeared on Kage's face. ;"Then let me help you. FRIEND." She said as the near by shadows crawled towards Vivian. Some grabbed her arms and crawled up towards her head, some made walls around her. The bullies turned to look at the scene. ;"W-What the hell is that?!" One of them said and pointed at the small shadow orb around Vivian. The shadows covered her face completely, entering from her mouth, ears and eyes. She couldn't breath, her heart was beating slower and slower, she felt cold, but she wasn't scared, after all she knew she could trust her friends. Then.. She could see only darkness around her. The orb disappeared showing Vivian's lifeless body on the ground. The three bullies dropped YW, and were about to ran away, When they felt something grabbing their legs. ;"Where are you going friends? Weren't you supposed to help me let go of the past?" Vivian said getting up from the ground slowly, she turned towards them, her face was completely pale, covered with black veins, her eyes were completely black except they had green glowing circle in the middle. She was smiling to them. The bullies looked down and they saw nothing but black. Vivian lifted her hand making the shadows grow enough for them to hold the bullies from their waist. "Now.. You were saying something about tearing off my poor little YW's legs and arms?" She started as she picked her teddy bear up. "I kinda like that plan. But let's change it a bit. How about I tear off YOUR legs and arms? How does that sound?" She said smiling as she summoned a knife from the shadows, or rather the knife became part of her right arm. She stared at Josh and asked: "Hey.. Have you ever killed?" Josh stared at her horrified.;"You're crazy!" Vivian's smile faded as she stabbed Josh on his left leg. ;"That's not an answer Joshie~" She said. ;"NO I have not killed!!!" Josh yelled. A smile reappeared on Vivian's face. ;"You're lying." She said calmly. "I saw everything. I still see everything. You can not lie to me Joshie~. How about that little bird on the third grade? Hm? You left it to die. Even though you could have helped it." She said. ;"We weren't even in the same school back then! How would you know that?!" Josh yelled. ;"Kage told me." Vivian said looking at Josh a bit confused. "She also told me.. About that little car accident of yours, and your friends. But don't worry. We won't tell. Right Kage? Yellow Death?" The three bullies cried out loud when they saw Kage appearing from Vivian's shadow, Yellow Death on the other hand now had a smile on it's face. "But we're not going to be unfair. I'll give you 10 seconds. Then I'll come and find you three okay?" Vivian said smiling innocently. The shadows let go of the three as, they tried to run away stumbling. "1...2.... ...10. Lights Out!" She yelled as she waved her hands signaling the shadows to fly towards the bullies as they grabbed them holding them still, as Vivian held knife up high before bringing it down neatly cutting through their arms and legs, watching them bleed to death. " Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb... Mary had a little lamb but then the poor thing died~, Where ever little Mary went, Mary went, Mary went, Where ever little Mary went she dragged the body too~, Mary went to school one day, school one day, school one day, Mary went to school one day and everybody died~." Vivian sang as she made the shadows eat what was left from the bodies. There were even no blood trails left after the shadows did their jobs. Vivian grabbed Kage's hand. "We can't return home anymore... Can we?" She asked. ;"No we can not.." Kage answered. ;"You know what..?" Vivian asked her holding her head down. ;"What?" Kage asked turning to her. ;"Mary definitely HAD a little lamb.." Vivian said before starting to laugh "Khihihi.." She laughed.  Two days later the police had put up four missing signs all over the town, No one knew what had happened. No bodies were found, No traces of them. Vivian sat under a big tree hugging her knees and YW, Kage right next to him. "So, what do we do now?" Vivian asked Kage, turning her head, as the shadows playfully danced around her. ; "I think I know a place we can stay.. There's an old friend I'd like for you to meet." Kage said smiling, as the three then headed to the forest, as the darkness followed them, making them disappear from sight. To you dear reader a few questions and advice's: "Have you ever killed?", "Have you ever seen an odd figure at the corner of your eye, just before your light starts twitching?" If so, do not call her name, if you do you will be forced to tell the truth, if you lie you will die. Pray for mercy, or prepare for the worst, or you might just be like Mary's little lamb.
