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Found 53 results

  1. I'm going to start downloading all the comics (Archie) and I need some suggestions about PDF readers. My computer recommended Soda 3D, after I downloaded SU 25 as a proof. It converted the CBZ file to PDF, making the view more realistic (hence "3D"). So I want to know your opinions.
  2. Am I the only one that thinks the art in the cross over comic are lacking (story's awesome though)? I mean, in the beginning it was pretty good. I liked it. But, my opinion, Tracy Yardley's not the best when it comes to Megaman. He makes Rock look blocky and awkward. Jamal did a good and he must have a MAJOR hand cramp. But this is a HUGE crossover! Get Ben Bates, he's amazing when it comes to action scenes. Better than having Steven. He's good, but I'm glad someone else finally got a turn.
  3. Favorite Webcomics?

    I was wondering if you guys regularly read any web comics. I read xkcd and Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal regularly for mathematical and academic humor, but Dinosaur Comics is pretty funny in the same ways. T-Rex always seems to have something simultaneously stupid and clever to say. I also read The Onion, a satirical news company that makes up fake and sometimes dark news stories. What funny things do you guys see online?
