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Posts posted by Tek

  1. If this has anything to do with those incredibly vague passive aggressive comments Penders put on Twitter, I think if those mean anything at all, it means his legal action against Archie isn't quite done yet, but I don't think he really has a leg to stand on anymore. I mean after all, didn't the Lara-Su Chronicles kinda... flop? Really hard?

  2. Do you guys think it is possible to cure a person who has been turned into a zombie? I think it is possible.

    It entirely depends on the cause for zombie-ism.


    Compare the walkers from TWD to the Infected from Left 4 Dead. One is infected with a disease and is technically still alive, while the other is most definitely a reanimated corpse.


    As proven by Lee in TWD, amputating the bite doesn't stop the infection, nor does it really slow it down either. It all really depends on the setting I think.

    1 person likes this

  3. I'm apparently not a true American... because I have never once enjoyed a Michael Bay movie. I think they're all kinda crap to be honest, even the transformers films.

  4. *throws tacos at math* Go away! >:3

    Change the topic! Me no like math! XD

    Anyone got anything in real life that your proud of? For me it's English when you compare me to others in my classes!! X3


    I was always good at History and English.

    I like art a lot but I'm not that good at it ha.

  5. I'm so glad I finished all my math courses, I'm so horrendous at it.

    Not so much at practical math like stats, but like, theory math such as algebra courses I am awful at.

  6. My first thought was "Wow, this game is ugly!" Not that the graphics are ugly, but that the graphics look ugly. Er.. okay, maybe that didn't make much sense. But basically, after all the other games I've played in a while have been bright, colourful and cartoony, playing a game that tries to be realistic and gritty looks, well, realistic gritty and ugly. Even moreso after the tutorial when I was attack by a pack of the most hideous looking wolves I've ever seen. When choosing my character race out of the three choices if felt would suit my play style I went for the only one that didn't look horrendous.

    My complaints with the game industry as a whole right now, to be completely honest.

    Also I've gotten back into Minecraft. Whoops.
