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Everything posted by Margred

  1. RING RING Telephone!

    Dark Mario Monkey loves bird Earthworm Robot Flying Fish!!
  2. Guess the next poster!

    Nope :D   Shinomi?
  3. Guess the next poster!

    Nope :D   Shinomi?
  4. Zombie Apocalypse topic

    I'll probably try to be somewhere where's not that much zombies and try to find some weapons and food and other things and hope that I don't lose my mind xP I just don't like zombies .-.
  5. lol x'D GTA San Andreas with some weird cheat codes is just hilarious! x'D I can't stop laughing xD And Shinomi are you sure about that you don't wanna play GTA with me never again? xD You have to admit that it was fun :D xD

    1. Shinomi-chan


      ..... If I were to write WHAT that code does.. people would be like: "WHAAAAAAAAA?"

    2. Margred


      LOL X''D

    3. Show next comments  249 more
  6. RING RING Telephone!

    Mario Monkey loves bird worm Robot Fish!!
  7. Guess the next poster!

    Nope :D Nack?
  8. RING RING Telephone!

    Mario Vader loves bird worm Robot Boos!!
  9. Ban the above poster

    Banned because lol xP
  10. Guess the next poster!

    Here I am :) Dylan?
  11. Guess the next poster!

    Yup :) Nack?
  12. RING RING Telephone!

    Mario Vader loves bird Boos!!
  13. RING RING Telephone!

    Mario loves ruling bird Boos!!
  14. Guess the next poster!

    Nope :) Seviper?
