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Everything posted by Margred

  1. Guess the next poster!

    Yeah xP Nakke?
  2. Guess the next poster!

    Yeah Noodles?
  3. Guess the next poster!

    Nope. Just me ^^ Nack?
  4. Corrupt a Wish

    Granted but they are too small for you I wish that someone could hug me xP
  5. RING RING Telephone!

    Prince Bubble and Princess monkey Zero loved eating Uber Flying Fish Shadow Gutsman Rainbow.
  6. Guess the next poster!

    Yeah Nack?
  7. Guess the next poster!

    Here I am xP Nack?
  8. I am so angry at this moment because of my dad... He said that he dropped my toy car, it was an old car, and one tire snap off but it wasn't just that one tire..That whole car was broken...

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Ah...good luck doing so then

    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Sorry to hear Margred. Hope you find new ones then.

    3. Margred


      Thanks and yea.. I hope that too :/

    4. Show next comments  33 more
  9. Guess the next poster!

    Nope xP Geoffrey?
