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Status Replies posted by Guest

  1. ok this is the last time I improve this song: Jingle Bells Eggman smells, Sonic saves the day~ Miles flies, and Knuckles glides; Sonic Heroes all the way~

  2. okay I have one more song ehm: Jinggle Bells Eggman smells, Sonic saves the day~ Miles flies, Knuckles glides Sonic Heroes all the way~

  3. Jinggle Bells school just end, I'm back at home~ There's no way that I will stay in school after four~ yay~ :3

  4. Jinggle Bells school just end, I'm back at home~ There's no way that I will stay in school after four~ yay~ :3

  5. The most horrible thing for me happened! they stopped selling Sonic Comics here in Finland!! (or at least where I usually buy them) or then they're SUPER late... ;______;

  6. The most horrible thing for me happened! they stopped selling Sonic Comics here in Finland!! (or at least where I usually buy them) or then they're SUPER late... ;______;

  7. The most horrible thing for me happened! they stopped selling Sonic Comics here in Finland!! (or at least where I usually buy them) or then they're SUPER late... ;______;

  8. sooo....... random hug time! xD *hugs everyone who reads this*

  9. My friends! I have returned to you all!

  10. sooo....... random hug time! xD *hugs everyone who reads this*

  11. I think my PS3 is on its last legs...

  12. Doing nothing is a lot of work

  13. Hay guess what it's my Birthday.

  14. I had nothing else to say than: "hello to all my friends!! (that means everyone) :D please have a nice morning/day/afternoon/midday/evening/night!"

  15. has anyone else tried playing Nights Into The Dreams? cause I couldn't figure out what the heck was I supposed to do in the first level o_o

  16. has anyone else tried playing Nights Into The Dreams? cause I couldn't figure out what the heck was I supposed to do in the first level o_o

  17. has anyone else tried playing Nights Into The Dreams? cause I couldn't figure out what the heck was I supposed to do in the first level o_o

  18. you guys know what would be great? if the characters you're supposed to escort in a game would stay out of the way while fighting!! DX

  19. you guys know what would be great? if the characters you're supposed to escort in a game would stay out of the way while fighting!! DX

  20. that awkward moment... when you're watching anime... and then your parents come out of no where to your room... o-o

  21. those who do not know me yet... I'm random, I love hugs and I will find you and I will hug you.

  22. those who do not know me yet... I'm random, I love hugs and I will find you and I will hug you.

  23. those who do not know me yet... I'm random, I love hugs and I will find you and I will hug you.

  24. those who do not know me yet... I'm random, I love hugs and I will find you and I will hug you.

  25. those who do not know me yet... I'm random, I love hugs and I will find you and I will hug you.
