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Everything posted by Hulk_Krogan

  1. Sonic Fan Songs

    I made another thing. It's a remix, but it's got Carl Sagan! Who doesn't love Carl Sagan? https://soundcloud.com/westc0astm3tal/dream-of-an-absolution-westc0astm3tal-remix-ft-carl-sagan
  2. Sonic Boom (Comic Series)

    Yeah, I know. I'm late to the party. But, better late than never...
  3. Well, my apt was almost burned down yesterday. Some Meaniees playing with fire, I guess, started a brush fire in the nature park next to my complex. There were over fifteen fire crews from the surrounding counties that had to be called in just to contain it. There was an evacuation of the nearby area called, and mass panic ensued. There were sirens everywhere, and it sounded like there were aliens invading. Oh, and there was also smoke everywhere, too, so it was difficult to breathe. Thankful...

    1. Hulk_Krogan


      Correction: Not yesterday, a few days ago.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Oh gosh. Glad everything is fine

    3. Shadow the Hedgehog

      Shadow the Hedgehog

      Good to hear no one was hurt. I hope they catch the idiots responsible.

  4. People in my area are freaking out because public school's already started and I'm just sitting here admiring the beautiful September weather and getting ready to enjoy college life.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe


      You so lucky

    2. sweet_lil_Eliza


      I need to be tis calm

  5. Sonic Fan Songs

    I seem to have a habit of finding dead threads the most commentable. Any way, here's something I made for a game competition two years ago. I got a bit of inspiration from Colours.
  6. I'm sure everyone knows of the fanfilm by Eddie LeBron, and that was an okay film. Massive points goes towards getting Jaleel White to re-voice Sonic, plus all of the other cameos from various internet celebrities. Truth be told, though, I kinda hope they take the 2007 TMNT route and give us a new story, instead of some BS origin story. Chances are they probably won't, and they won't reference the comics as much, either, since more people know the games than the comics.
  7. I really hope they go somewhere interesting with this Sonic Unleashed material in the new series. Please, Archie, don't F*ck this up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      Hey, Flynn is no Ken Penders. So i'm fairly certain things will turn out decently.

    3. Hulk_Krogan


      They've got an opportunity here to capitalize on something I've been waiting since Unleashed's release. But, only time will tell, and in this industry, time is everything.

    4. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Well, only one issue to go before you see the beginning. Hopefully people will be happy with it

  8. ¿Super Genesis Wave?

    FIRST POST EVER ON THIS SITE! While I can certainly admire the balls a comic company has to reboot its whole universe (looking at you, DC), I really hope it works out well, because I really liked the old universe. Where the New 52 fails, I hope this shines. Especially since they're taking the route that I've always wanted from Sonic Unleashed: Sonic will have to, at some point, fight his inner evil (not just like when he was in outer space, I mean metaphorically as well) Yes, the old universe had it problems, like most of the villains had lame motivations, or the story would sideline into unnecessary spin-offs, or the pacing would be too fast to let things catch up, or the art style would be out of place (looking at you, Gray). But, I think it was starting to get a bit more interesting when they made Naugus a bit more well-rounded, and not just some kooky sorcerer who wanted world domination. Plus, Sonic and Sally were just getting their act together, and Rotor was being a badass again! I wish I saw many things before the big reset, like Dmitri working with Knuckles, the fate of the Secret Freedom Fighters or Anti-Mobius, maybe even if Khan restored balance to the Dragon Kingdom. But I guess I can throw those dreams down the drain.
