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Everything posted by ZonicTH

  1. 9 episodes of nothing but Gintama @~@ I think I fried my brain....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shinomi-chan


      Poor guy *hugs* ;____; survive!

    3. ZonicTH


      I'll try though this is frightening

    4. Shinomi-chan


      I know it's like the time when my room was full of... Carebears! O_O

  2. Tomorrow I start Sand Land the Manga 8D

  3. Oh sweet I'm still covered with Mega man =D

  4. Once I finish this episode of Gintama I'm gonna try to use my Wii U as much as possible today

  5. Its such a shame Gintama doesn't get alot of love outside of Crunchyroll

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. ZonicTH


      Thanks for not spoiling it for me XD

    3. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Yeah. And I can't give more information without spoiling it XD Since I didn't start watching gintama from episode 1 I dunno when exactly "He" comes...

    4. ZonicTH


      well episodes 1 & 2 are filler =O I'm doing my best to catch up without speeding through the series to quickly since its so much fun

  6. Can't stop playing as Luffy & Gintoki in J-Stars >>;

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Is Kagura's brother in J-stars?

    3. ZonicTH


      I don't think he is the only Gintama characters in the game besides Gintoki and Kagura are the non battle story characters Shinpachi (who can be heard when playing as Gintoki) Zura & Otose

    4. Shinomi-chan


      I saw the game in GameStop but I didn't have enough money for it.. costed 69.95 € ...expensive. Then again it IS for playstation 4

  7. ...why do I feel so Nostalgic for Digimon o.o

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. ZonicTH


      XD I grew up on the dub but I am gonna watch the sub as I rewatch the dub =O

    3. Shinomi-chan


      I re-watched the first season subbed. I originally watched the horrible Finnish dub. Hilarious yes. Cool? Not so much? Enjoyable? Nope.

    4. ZonicTH


      eh ?

      I've only ever seen the english dub and...well the first two subbed episodes XD the only other subbed Digimon thing I ever watched was the third movie =O

  8. So is anyone ready for Dragon Ball Super ?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Shinomi-chan


      Yup true that! Though.. if something were to happen to the original mangakas then who would continue their work?

    3. ZonicTH


      Well the Dragon Ball Manga ended, so it seems their focusing on what happened inbetween Buu's defeat and when Goku left to train with Uub (I'd be really sad if something happened to Mr.Toriyama)

      Actually...there was one case I know of where something did happen to a Mangaka...before they could finish their manga ;~;

    4. Shinomi-chan


      I know... ;____;

  9. Welp training under Pan has become awkward in Xenoverse as of yesterday...

    1. Shinomi-chan


      How so Zonic?

    2. ZonicTH


      Welp, Masters who you train under you give you presents....the one she gave me was...her pants >>; (in a text message) but the fact that it happened was hilarious

      ....*Was hoping to get part of the Great Saiyaman's costume*

  10. Rest in Peace my chances of getting Kill La Kill on DVD ;-;

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Nope you can't. :P

    3. Shadow the Hedgehog

      Shadow the Hedgehog

      30 for 4 episodes? That's ridiculous. Hopefully they bring a boxset out at a reasonable price, I did enjoy it alot on Netflix so the dvd would be nice.

    4. ZonicTH


      I'll just watch it on Crunchyroll =/ and I know its unreal how they can charge you that much for so little content

  11. J-Stars Victory VS+ 8D Hype!

  12. I got my Dragon Ball Xenoverse <3

    1. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Imma jealous. XD

      Is it good?

    2. ZonicTH


      Yes 8D

  13. FUNimation has announced Season 7 of One Piece, Today is gonna be a good day -u-

    1. Shinomi-chan
    2. ZonicTH


      Indeed, Hopefully we'll be in the New world in the dub soon XD

    3. Shinomi-chan


      I watch it in Japanese and English subs

  14. Got Beerus in Battle of Z 8D

  15. So here I am watching Season 7 of DBZ....again

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. ZonicTH


      Dragon Ball Z is forever XD

    3. Shinomi-chan


      Pretty much it is! xD It has been going on.. How many years??

    4. ZonicTH


      Well technically its over but they made a remake and are working on a new movie =O

  16. Ken Penders Topic...

    Agreed its also great to see Breezie again after all these years, Maybe they'll bring back other cartoon characters =O
  17. Ken Penders Topic...

    Yep =/ We probably wont see them return to the comics for a loooooong time =( with conditions like those
  18. Ken Penders Topic...

    Ken tried to by setting conditions if Archie is to use them again    Lets see   "A) There are only three untouchable characters: Julie-Su, Locke and Lara-Su. The only thing anyone at Archie Comics would have to run by me regarding any of my characters is if they wanted to kill off a certain character. Beyond that, anything in the present day timeline is fair game. Have fun. B ) With regards to the use of the characters Julie-Su and Locke in the present day timeline, nothing must contradict what was established in my MOBIUS: 25 YEARS LATER stories. Those stories, especially Locke's death, are canon as far as THE LARA-SU CHRONICLES and I'm concerned. C) Lara-Su is the only character in which any story featuring her which Archie Comics wishes to put into production MUST be reviewed and approved by me."   http://www.kenpenders.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2595   =/ there are so many things wrong with those conditions its not even funny
  19. Man this isn't my night....

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      What's wrong?

    2. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      Zonic I say you seem interesting and consider pming you and you say it isn't your night? What the heck man!

    3. ZonicTH


      >>; well to be honest I kinda have been sick and got atleast an hour or two of sleep =(

  20. Ken Penders Topic...

    I don't know whats gonna happen to the characters when this project fails but if we're lucky Archie might be able to scoop up the rights back =/   but sadly I know this is unlikely...   I don't mean to be a downer or anything, but.. I just can't see the Penman willingly give "his" characters back no strings attached. But if it does happen it probably won't be for a long time =/   Though personally I'm just hoping Archie decides to go after the characters Penders didn't make =O
  21. Now all I need is all the worlds pudding if I'm to get revenge on Beerus

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Shinomi-chan


      Oh I've watched all of the episodes so far so.. Dressrosa Arc....? I guess xD

    3. ZonicTH


      XD the very arc I stopped in front of with Chapter 700

    4. Shinomi-chan
  22. Ken Penders Topic...

    The scary thing is he claims to have hold of Robo Robotnik and Scou-...Evil Sonic   If Not Knuckles is any indication, We might as well brace ourselves in the event that Not Sonic the Evil Sonic emerges   I mean if the guy is crazy enough to not only make his Knuckles expy a slightly changed Future Knuckles followed by literally a image rip from a Sonic comic, then I can easily see him attempting just that
  23. Ken Penders Topic...

    I think by this point he just wants to see how far he can push his luck before the consequences come raining down on him =/
  24. Games that you are currently playing

    Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Z: The game....is uh...meh to be honest it was a pain in the butt and then I learned I can play the main missions Online and still get the rewards, To be honest I only bought it to hold me over until Xenoverse comes out   New Super Mario Bros 2: I got it downloaded onto my 3DS so....yeah I can play it anytime ....er not much to be said on it XD Super Smash Bros For 3DS and Wii U: My mains would have to be, Mii, Link, Pit, Toon Link and Greninja =3   Little Big Planet: I'm not gonna lie, Although I got it atleast a few weeks ago I've been too busy playing Battle of Z to play it >>;
  25. I am Hyped for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 8D
