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Posts posted by Inuki

  1. And Imma playing... (despite my hectic uni schedule...)

    The Soul Series - some members might know my addiction to this but yeah. Imma addicted. Since, SC ain't your generic fighting game. (It's freaking set in the late 1500's and has an interesting storyline. That is until SC V came out (which IMO is utter crap) Oh and people poke and fight each other with weapons. Many different weapons. :D )

    Imma currently playing:

    Soulcalibur 2 (Gamecube ver) - LINK. 'Nuf said.

    Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny - The game is lacking... but it's still good in my opinion.

    Bakugan Battle Brawlers: Defenders of the Core - Silly roommate for reawakening my Bakugan side. (Tho I still think Drago is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay overpowered in the entire series(anime I mean)... Having the most evolutions and all. >.>)

    The Last of Us - I blame my stupid cousin for introducing me to this awesome game. Action/Surviving Zombie apocalypse set in post-apocalyptic US.

    Sonic Jump (android)- What? I recently got Shadow and he is awesome. :D

    Brave Frontier (android) - *looks at Dylan* *Yesh, he is my BF BUDDY* An RPG turn base battle thingy app where you collect units, money, items and do missions. Oh and collect gems to summon powerful and stronger units :D

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIL SISTAH! PLEASE ENJOY YOUR DAY! *showers you with lotsa chocolates*

    *realizes she hasn't thanked everyone who greeted her here on her birthday* Oh gasd. I'm soooo sorry, everyone! BUT.. A SUPER DUPER LATE THANK YOU TO ALL WHO GREETED ME! I WUV YOU ALL!

  3. Happy Halloween everyone!

    Please enjoy your parties and stuff! Though we don't do trick or treating and stuff...

    We just visit the cemetery, light candles and offer pwetty flowers to loved ones who passed away and eat native food. <.<

  4. Awarded cheery ocean and Seviper is crying because someone tickled by Alegatius and NMS get chocolate birthday cake for Eliza in Nov 1

    (this thread needs an Inuki. :D )

  5. Just finished Ao No Exorcist! That was awesome. Amazing. And every other word that describes this quality. It's my no means perfect, but eh, my time was so well spent. And that grand finale... oh god, I've seen good finales but this one is somewhere around the top.

    I'm literally out of words so I'll stop here. It's been a while since I watched/finished an anime but this one makes me jump back right into them.

    Ah! Blue Exorcist! It was a really good anime! :D Watched it the moment it aired and all. Nice story and awesome characters. :3 Glad you enjoyed it, Cheery.
