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About Joe

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  1. Sonic X (Comic Series)

    Why? Sonic X was and I think it's still fairly popular. There are vocal fans who hate it with all their heart, but Sonic fans hate everything anyways. I will never understand SEGA.
  2. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Quake Woman a Mary Sue? Are you sure you know what means Mary Sue besides "character I don't like".
  3. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    He is right in the cover! This means he will not appear in the main series till much later?
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    I can't wait for this. I read that in SU Chip will finally appear. I can't handle all this hype.
  5. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    That beaver cooker looks like he is ready for business.
  6. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    Beautiful artwork. It makes me want to know more.
  7. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    I would write an essay, but I'm not that kind of guy. My thoughts:I liked it very much.
  8. General Trash

  9. General Trash

    I knew it B)
  10. General Trash

    What word would you use?
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Because it looks like a stove. I was hit hard with nostalgia seeing those scorpions badniks, those are the ones you find in Sandopolis, at least in Sonic & Knuckles, my first Sonic game. I can't wait to read this issue, sounds great.
  12. Ken Penders Topic...

    Is it going to be a book, a movie, animation? As far as I know, Penders hasn't been clear about the format of his upcoming "smashing hit".
  13. Ken Penders Topic...

    Enchilada Man is losing contact with reality at a frightening pace.
  14. "After The Credits" - A New Archie Gimmick?

    Utter despair? Gee, that's quite a strong emotion to feel.
  15. General Trash

    No entiendo la comparación con MLP. Pero es cierto que están apuntando a atraer a un público más jóven, en mi humilde opini+on, al que siempre estuvo dirigida la franquicia, pero por razones complejas el núclo duro de dicha fanbase es un grupo de adoslescentes-adultos ya un tanto cínicos. En fin,quieren renovar y rejuvencer a Sonic, lo cual me parece bien. I hope we aren't breaking any rule by talking in Spanish. EDIT: both of you are, stop it immediately.
