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Danny Felixe

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Everything posted by Danny Felixe

  1. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    True, AOSTH Robotnik was the biggest villain victim I've ever seen. Victim in bad luck, victim in poor workmanship for his robots and victim to his mother's wrath. Robotnik's mother seemed 3 times more villainous than Robotnik ever did in AOSTH. I wouldn't want to mess with her.
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (Back on the subject of the genesis wave, anyone know what is happening with it?)
  3. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    AOSTH Robotnik was not at all how he should have been. He was way to comical to be a proper villain. An evil nutcase is fine by me as long as they don't overdo it. I agree that there should be some balance should be put into the Robotniks so that he is not too dangerous but not too crazy. From what I have seen from the SATam comics for sea3on, Robotnik doesn't appear very much. Snively and Naugus are the main villains. Again, I can't say for sure what is with Sonic Boom, but as long as they are careful with how they portray him, it should be fine.
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (Knuckles brought himself back to life when Athair told him he was able to do it himself. Aurora just told him that it would be kind of stupid and selfish to bring himself back to life.)
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: I think Geoffrey needs to explain what he wants the genesis wave to do as he was the one who started this. I guess you have a point with the SATam characters, Skye. But that would mean I'm safe anyway since Dylan appeared in SATam as well but was not named so, as did Geoffrey so you are the only comic-only character here Oh and Knuckles did come back to life before not using the genesis wave, so his return wouldn't break the laws of the universe anyway)
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Sally seemed to die just before the first genesis wave and some of the robot masters from Megaman were supposed to be destroyed, yet each of them appeared during one of the genesis waves. That would suggest that Knuckles could join in again if he wants to)
  7. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    I say that it is a pretty stupid demotivator. Personally, I don't feel the person has given much evidence for his views. He's given his opinions and what should be done, but there is little in terms of where why this person is seeing it that way. Eggman is supposed to be the way he is. If people don't think Eggman should be himself, then they shouldn't bother with the games/comics/cartoons or animes.
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Yeah, I knew that was coming. I must agree, let the cheerleader have his chocolate. It stops him from destroying worlds and I don't want him attacking everyone else. For the moment. Just realised, if there's a genesis wave, doesn't that mean Knuckles could come back to life?)
  9. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    I would agree with Blue Comet. Although I look forward to both (if they are real) I don't want either to be anything like my little pony. I am one of those people who would rather not be caught watching colourful ponies. I know someone who would but I am not that kind of a person. Even if it did turn out like my little pony, I would still give it a try but I would probably do it privately for fear of getting caught watching it. May I point out with Sonic X, series 1 was light most of the time, which is fine by me. It got much darker in series 2 with the Metarex. I don't know if you saw it but it certainly wasn't the same as series 1. In terms of the anime. I haven't watched much anime on TV, Sonic X is pretty much the only anime I've watched and what little I've seen I've enjoyed. I personally doubt that SATam sea3on will not be an anime but I don't know about Sonic Boom but either way, don't get annoyed at Sonic if the new cartoons are animes.
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: The genesis wave doesn't necessarily mean that comic-only characters disappear, if you remember the first genesis wave, Sally, Rotor and Antoine were still around after the genesis wave. Although I wasn't expecting a genesis wave, my character has been making upgrades to his teleporter just in case of incidents such as this so I am not disappearing. Finally, how many zones is the wave affecting, since the cheerleader is in one zone, Blaze is in another, Shadow is in another and myself and Skye are in another.)
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    He's here? How did he... perhaps he's got a tracker on me. But he never got my teleporter and it's powered by one of this world's version of a chaos emerald which I "borrowed" from Downunda. Heh heh. Not my fault each of these chaos emeralds keeps each continent afloat. Anyway, better go outside and see what he's up to.
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    *Appears in unknown zone holding pair of star posts* Heh heh. Dr Kintobor really needs to work on his security. Now to set these star posts up. Wait a minute. Now Skye's tracker is saying he's moved. All that work to get the star posts and he's decided to move elsewhere. At least I've got some new star posts. Now I need to get a new location. Hopefully somewhere I've visited so I can use my teleporter. Let's see. Where is he now?
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (A party game rules post is probably a good idea so that late comers will understand the rules behind these things. I came late to this forum and luckily haven't broken any rules [i hope] but you can't predict whether someone else will)
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (Your idea which is why everyone has trouble coming up with ideas to defeat you. Most of it isn't too bad but now we are all separated so it is becoming more role play. Shouldn't last too long though.) Right, got a location but my teleporter only works with zones that have been explored so now I need to build some star-posts. How I will find what I need in this zones, I do not know, so I guess I will have to "borrow some from another zone" *Disappears*
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Ah, finally a signal on Skye. He appears to be in an unknown zone. That explains why I haven't picked him up on any of my monitors. I guess I should pay a visit to that zone, get some information for my database, set up another satellite to watch over that version of Mobius. The usual. First I need to pinpoint where that zone is. This may take a while.
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    My tracker on the cheerleader says he is in a zone full of chocolate. Well, he's not going to leave anytime soon. May as well go find out what's wrong with Skye's tracker. *Disappears only to reappear in unknown zone again* The tracker not working either means he has found out about the tracker and destroyed it or something much worse. Well if he is still around, perhaps I can pick him up on one of my zone monitors. (By the way, I didn't mean it literally for destroying a zone, and no worries about the rp-ing. It has happened before, and it can happen again.)
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Back on Mobius This is getting ridiculous. Where is everyone? Even the tracker I put on Skye's teleporter isn't working. How am I supposed to win if there is no one to go against. (ooc: This is starting to get dangerously close to another role play. Be careful.)
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    *Appears in prime zone* Well, I have returned. Now to wait for everyone else to arrive. I wonder which zone cheerleader has gone to destroy now, or if Skye has made a new skybase. Or if Blaze is going to sneak up behind me and start throwing fireballs. I'm ready for anyone.
  19. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    I know. Hopefully everyone will find out sooner or later for both SATam sea3on and Sonic Boom. And that they will last longer than any of the four other anime/cartoons did.
  20. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    I found that out via this link. They also have comic versions of sea3on http://sonicsatam.com/sea3on/ It might be some big joke but it's a convincing one if it is.
  21. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    I'm not sure what stage of development Sonic Boom is at if it is being made. However I doubt it will come out this year. Sonic SATam sea3on is apparently doing finishing touches and has a schedule for July when they are promoting it at some conventions, so perhaps they will be aired this year. I have no idea. If either are aired this year then perhaps I can look forward to another Sonic cartoon or anime in 2023.
  22. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    Frankly, I was almost put off with watching Sonic Underground to begin with with all the negative reviews about it from sonic fans. So I wouldn't worry about being the only person to dislike it.
  23. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    I would prefer to see anime used, I doubt it will which is a shame. I have never seen my little pony (and am proud of it) so I cannot make judgements on the storyline or the artstyle. In terms of Sonic Underground. I rather enjoyed it. Not as much as some of the other cartoons perhaps but my main problem with it is that there is no proper ending to it. Spontaneous music numbers were a little odd sometimes but some of the music was good.
  24. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    I have to agree with you there
  25. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    I hope its true. Perhaps it will be on with satam sea3on animated.
