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About The_Duck

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  • Birthday 01/25/90

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  • Gender Female
  • Location North Carolina
  • Interests video games, crocheting, cartoons, cooking, reading, pokemon, probably some other stuff that I can't think of right now.

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  • DeviantArt milayou

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  1. Hmm, just watched the Sonic Boom trailer....why are people so upset about this? I'm excited for Sonic Colors levels of wit! I think it will be good. Plus, i mostly like the redesigns.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Jest

      The Jest

      *I guess you could say it's a form of Paranoia.

    3. The_Duck


      I can understand that, I guess. I saw my brother play Secret Rings, and I'll admit the gameplay didn't look that great. And when I first heard of Unleashed, I was a bit turned off by the werewolf idea, but that one ended up being really fun!

      And look at the Sonic Rush games, they were great! But I guess people see those more as going back to classic gameplay than something new though.

    4. NegaMetallix


      I'm all for some good humour, but Sonic Colours... wasn't that funny, in my opinion.
