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About The_Duck

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  • Birthday 01/25/90

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  • Gender Female
  • Location North Carolina
  • Interests video games, crocheting, cartoons, cooking, reading, pokemon, probably some other stuff that I can't think of right now.

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  • DeviantArt milayou

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  1. Well, I just got my $3,000 hospital bill for that car accident I told y'all I was in. Now I'm even more super angry that the insurance denied my claim. I honestly don't know what i'm gonna do. Wish me luck that I can suffer through this.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Cinescense


      Survive!I shall be wishing the best of good luck my friend

    3. The_Duck


      Thanks for the well-wishings, everyone! I asked my mother about it, and she says it won't ruin my credit to simply not pay it, and it won't blacklist me from going to that hospital again either. But I still don't know if that's the "right" thing to do. But then, nothing about this whole situation is "right". So I might consider that. I know hopsitals can write off a certain number of bills a year as "uncollectable debts" or something.


    4. The_Duck


      I don't know why they'd pass that law either, Shadow. Unfortunately, it is true that politicians get more money to advertise/whatnot from insurance companies, not so much from the people. As such, they're more in favor of said insurance companies and could care less about the people. I know not all states are like that, but I live in a republican state, unfortunately. And they do what they want.
