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About The_Duck

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/25/90

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  • Gender Female
  • Location North Carolina
  • Interests video games, crocheting, cartoons, cooking, reading, pokemon, probably some other stuff that I can't think of right now.

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  • DeviantArt milayou

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  1. Well, I just got my $3,000 hospital bill for that car accident I told y'all I was in. Now I'm even more super angry that the insurance denied my claim. I honestly don't know what i'm gonna do. Wish me luck that I can suffer through this.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The_Duck


      But it's also a law in my state, that if they can prove an accident is even 1% your fault, they can deny you EVERYTHING. Other states aren't like that. They'll deduct you "% fault" out of the money that they would give you instead. So North Carolina just really sucks.

    3. sweet_lil_Eliza


      It really does, I'm a 'bit' proud India doesn't does that, but then there is this privilege if something is destroyed by a natural calamity, an 'act of god' is implied and no money is given =.=

      I'm sorry you're going through this again, there must be a way out and I'm sure you'll manage to find it

    4. The_Duck


      I hope so. I'm sure they'd let me make payments that I could afford (barely). But then I'll be scraping by from paycheck to paycheck for a few years. I was going to have my old car paid off in a year, and have that much extra money, but now I'm having to make payments on a NEW car, and now this. Plus the rent for this apartment I just moved into, thinking I could afford because I didn't think all this would happen.

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