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Everything posted by Shinomi-chan

  1. Corrupt a Wish

    you get water I wish for MORE COFFEE!!!
  2. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    aw man Lino... your pic is so cool ;_______; here's one of my OC's for Kingdom Hearts (as a Mobian cause I can't draw humans at all.... so I just draw them easily as Mobian's and sometimes even normal anime characters too) Here's Navix!

    okay if I may continue: "did you survive?!" D:
  4. One Wish

    okay!!! :D *hugs Eliza* x3
  5. that awkward moment... when you're watching anime... and then your parents come out of no where to your room... o-o

    1. Shinomi-chan


      oh my... o-o poor Lino... and yeah I know when they're coming too but when they come.. they come crashing the doors like titans!! Dx

    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      Hahhahhah! Titans XD

    3. Shinomi-chan


      you got it bro :D

    4. Show next comments  1404 more

    yeah I actually know who he is but see that's the joke someone saying they know everything about Sonic comics and then that happens! I've ACTUALLY read almost all of the comics...

    ok let me try!: "like I've read every last one of the Sonic comics and I'm huge fan! wait... who the heck is this Eggman?" o-o
  8. Guess the next poster!

    nope! Dylan?
  9. Last to post wins v3.0

  10. Corrupt a Wish

    you get a cupcake! I wish for Coffee!!
  11. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: CHEESE!!!
  12. RING RING Telephone!

    Strawberry pizza hot sauce banana pie was added to a yummy douple triple chocolate ice-cream super PERSONA GOLD with lotsa delicious dark demon juice! Chao Bunny Cuteness!!
  13. General Anime/Manga Thread

    well I love almost all genres... (but mainly Horror) and I've watched Another (AWESOME!!) and yeah maybe I'll watch Hellsing Ultimate. :D
  14. Last to post wins v3.0

    *throws holy water on NMS* the power of rainbows heal you!!
  15. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: DIGIMON! DIGITAL MONSTERS!!!
  16. Corrupt a Wish

    you get chocolate I wish for strawberry
  17. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: BEHIND YOU!!!! DX *fabulous Titan appears*
  18. Ban the above poster

    Banned because: TITANSZ!!!! XD
  19. Last to post wins v3.0

    *pokes Merc with a stick* unless you a zombie
  20. Corrupt a Wish

    aaaw... :C you get a pie! :D I wish for cake!
  21. Corrupt a Wish

    hey! Dx you get :angry: I wish for :mellow:
  22. Guess the next poster!

    yep NMS
