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About Pkrockinomega

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  • Birthday 02/25/98

Profile Information

  • Gender Male
  • Location United States, Florida
  • Interests Video games, mainly Nintendo or Sega related, drama, animation in general whether it be anime or movies or whatever, and recently I've taken an interest in the Sonic Archie comic book series. (Please don't spoil anything that happens in it though, I'm not nearly caught up yet.)

Contact Methods

  • Skype srauscher2
  • Steam http://steamcommunity.com/id/srauscher/

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  1. Got an ear infection, and this thing SUCKS. Literally the only thing good about it is getting to miss school, and even that isn't exactly worth the fact that I can barely hear through this ear and it hurts like a [femaledog].

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pkrockinomega


      Well, it doesn't sound awful. In fact, I can't hear whatever it sounds like at all! *rimshot followed by the drummer chucking his sticks across the room and storming out*

    3. Pearl98


      I had an ear infection in both of my ears at the same time once, worst pain I've ever had. Hope you get better soon.

    4. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      I know the pain. And the trouble it makes.
