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Everything posted by sweet_lil_Eliza

  1. Last to post wins v3.0

    Sound cool!
  2. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Gyarados looked at Seviper, "who are you and what is it of y- girlfriend?" He asked. ----- The Nurse almost cried with the pain, but finally stood up. She now looked different, her hair was up and a scarf type of membrane surrounded her neck, and a tail behind her. She looked at herself. "Oh my..." Chris looked surprised, and then again at Kimi, then again at the nurse. ---- Fluffy smiled, "oh Skye!" She said, reaching to hug him, but noticed his tails and looked at them.
  3. Last to post wins v3.0

    So the party will go on forever ;)
  4. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Actually, I won't 75
  5. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Milotic gulped. "I hope I've not done something wrong..." ----- Fluffy rolled around Skye, not paying attention to anyone else. Chris was looking at the nurse too, "I...d...don't know." The nurse coughed, and then violently coughed, a tail projecting out.
  6. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    What will happen if I'm the president? 73
  7. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Kids for president! 70 71
  8. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Chris petted max a bit, looking at Skye, "I'm sorry." And then looked at Kimi, "yes, you better- I'm coming with you." The nurse looked at them, and tried to say, "I...I'm okay.." Even though she was falling. Fluffy looked at all three one by one. ----- Milotic looked down, blushing, "okay then."
  9. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Aren't we awesome ;) 68
  10. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    *whistles* 66
  11. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Fluffy sadly looked at the scene. Chris whispered at Max, "no, cmere, boy!" Still holding Kimi hand. The nurse burped a bit then felt weird things happened, with a hiccup, she whispered. "I've done so wrong..." ---- Milotic looked at Seviper, "uhhh..." She said, after which she pointed somewhere, "but are you sure you want to...?"
  12. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    The funny thing? Last time I was babysitted, my uncle and aunt started fighting- it was quite a scene 64
  13. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Chris shook his head, grabbing Kimi's hand, "you okay?" Fluffy looked sadly, softly gesturing sorry from behind Skye. The nurse grabbed the other bottle, took a deep breath and gulped it. ----- Milotic looked down, "there is this Gyarados... Who, for the lack of a better word, had been pushy towards me... And... I don't want..." She tried to frame words.
  14. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Lol "the biggies are fighting." 62
  15. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Fluffy smiled and nodded, "Of course." Nurse looked at the scene finding it right to back off and grab the other bottle. ---- Milotic nodded, wrapping her tail slightly around Seviper, "I really am, but... Would you... Do something for me?"
  16. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Milotic smiled at Professor's comment and then looked at Seviper. "I'm so tempted to say yes."
  17. Ban the above poster

    Banned because I love my chocolate.
  18. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Milotic nodded, then turned to other, "excuse us, take care of the nurse yourself." She said, heading out. Fluffy smiled at Skye's sparks, "the look amazing."
  19. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Kayl would go mad and Berry would try to calm her thus creating a war 59
  20. Ban the above poster

    Banned because count me in!
  21. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    So... 57
  22. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Milotic nodded, "yes, thank you." Then looked at others, then at Seviper again, "would you mind to join me for a walk." She asked Seviper. Fluffy followed Skye, smiling at he sparks, "they look cute.." She said. The nurse made a face.
  23. Ban the above poster

    Banned because cool! Can it accommodate two?
  24. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Hahah yeah! :P 55
  25. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Fluffy smiled, then head Kimi and rose up with a jerk, "Let's get it!" She said
