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Everything posted by sweet_lil_Eliza

  1. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Fluffy sadly looked at him, and sobbed, looking away.
  2. Free play mania 1.0

    *looks down feels bad* Wont our relationship be one too? *ruby sits on Fluffy's lap* *strokes Ruby* ...maybe.. *ruby cries* Yes
  3. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    142 steals the photo
  4. Last to post wins v3.0

    Well, how can you be an artist if showing you art is something you're not comfortable about.
  5. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    140 tickles him
  6. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    "S-skye?" Fluffy said, holding onto him, hoping he was good.
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Berry shook her head, "you'll make a fortune by writing a book and I don't want that."
  8. Free play mania 1.0

    ...my daddie doesn't wants to talk to me about these stuff... *looks at skye* So...you want to take care of her.. will they understand...?
  9. Last to post wins v3.0

    Well, I guess being a artist isn't your thing, Dylan. My counsellor uncle can annoy one...
  10. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    138 is a member of jury
  11. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Fluffy stroked Skye again, "calm down... for me.. for us..."
  12. Free play mania 1.0

    *note appears: she won't dissapear, not until you want. Her reality depends on you. Yes I like riddles* Wow... so tell your dad that a bunny came and said us mom and dad... that won't be too...ERM... dangerous?
  13. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    134 thinks of opening a shop...
  14. Last to post wins v3.0

    Why? You'll run away? o.O WOOT! I FEEL SO SPECIAL!
  15. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    132 finds opening shops in a party hall to be extremely ridiculous then she orders a taco
  16. Last to post wins v3.0

    Why exactly hide it? xD No objection, I'll return the favor =P Well, once VK's out, I might get many more watches (MIGHT) again and force them to bug you XD That said, the first person I watched in the community was TRACEY YARDLEY
  17. Last to post wins v3.0

    That's...stupid? XD I see, well, try hanging around a bit in the community.
  18. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    130 opens a burger shop
  19. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    128 wants burger ...wait, no burger
  20. Last to post wins v3.0

    Cause you're scared they'll laugh? I understand :$ I've 83 watchers as of now, cool! XD
  21. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    126 wants margarita with extra cheese.
  22. Last to post wins v3.0

    Why not? No one in India cares.. another reason I've quite some viewers is cuz sonicparadox
  23. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    124 follows
  24. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    122 finds this amusing
  25. Last to post wins v3.0

    <.< I don't do that either. I just have pals lol
