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Everything posted by MetalSkulkBane_PL

  1. Weird and funny comic moments

    Butt, why is he glowing upside down on the wall? What is he doing? Why in dumbest and most uncomfortable position I can think of?
  2. Ken Penders Topic...

    https://sites.google...ders-characters Though I'm dont think that he owns Uma. Also he might be resposible for few more parents thanks to "stories from great war" (also liblarian from that story). He did created Bear Pack, so its possible Flynn want be able to use Desiel, similary he owns future Miobius, so no Skye or Melody for us. He did created Priar Buck, but he apparently doesnt care since he appeared. Flynn's "Neo Walkers" will propably never show up since all walkers belong to Penders. (Now Flynn propably feels stupid for killig previous Walkers, assuming they werent his idea too) He also introduced real Fiona but propably owns her as much as Anti Knuckles which means not at all. Also: Sleuth "Doggy" Dawg, Renfield T Rodent, Cyril Eagle, Julaya, Nic the Weasel, The Hunter, Isaac, Quack's family, E.V.E., Sir Connery and some really useless background characters like evil wizards from "Knuckles searches Sword of Acorns Saga", Ripper T Rodent, Smiley and Fleming or Eric the Horse (StH nr 59 )
  3. Who am I? Sonic edition

    MIna Mongoose?
  4. Weird and funny comic moments

    Knuckles the Echidna 7
  5. Who am I? Sonic edition

  6. Who am I? Sonic edition

    I dont think he wears the mask, but that sounds like Mathias, yet another guardian,
  7. Ken Penders Topic...

    What makesyou suspect that Sonic will reboot continuity? I think Eggman said that Genesis Wave cant kill.
  8. Weird and funny comic moments

    THIS http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/square_medium/5/57845/1904697-homecoming003.jpg Seriously, can someone explain this to me?
  9. Ken Penders Topic...

    You traitor, I'm reporting you for this! Kidding, kidding, I've actually heard people saying stuff like that. And did anyone visited his forums? People keep making fun of him and his his work, preety much insult him and he never looses his cool. And he never reported or anything like that. example: Penders:Also, your "facts" about my "employment" are incorrect, but I can't go into details now. Greenman: Those details better be "I got paid in peanuts with little dollars signs on them while Archie suits dug through my desk and stole my stories." Because I'm having a really hard time believing that your employment didn't consist of getting paid actual money to make things. Sure, he argued that he owns Evil Sonic cause "while he may appear and be named Evil Sonic, that wasn't the basis for the character. I'll go into the genesis later when I can" wchich is very stupid but its quite amazing that he allows people to say things like this: Greenman:Well you see, originally he had a mustache and was called Bad Sonic. Penders wisely made a few alterations in order to amp the quality of his work, opting for a leather jacket and a much more exciting name.And then he sat back and shoved a few money-peanuts in his mouth, and said "I've done some fine work here today." Nerves of steel, Penders. Nerves of steel. But I'm afraid lawsuit is still on, quick google search told me that Penders demanded to ban Knuckles Archive vol 4.
  10. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Of course there will be side effects to Genesis Wave, just like the last time, but but I cant predict what they will be. Perhaps they will cancel some previous effects, like Naugus insanity. I have this thought: Since Team Fighters already teamed-up with Silver and Shard, maybe now they will meet Larry? Other SFF are unfortunately undisposable..
  11. top 5/10 lists

    I've actually made lists like that in my head a while ago, but I didnt know where to post them. To be exact I have: Top 20 best Sega Sonic characters, Top 10 worst Sega characters, Top 10 best Archie Sonic heroes, Top 10 best Archie Sonic villains, Top 5 worst Archie Sonic characters, and Top 5 best SU arcs. The thing is that Top 10 best archie heroes/villans only covers characters like Rotor or Finitevus not like Eggman or Silver, So,Top SU arcs 5 Forged in Fire (#50) - Epic battle, with some great visuals, pure and simple. Great thing about it is that Metal finally get recognition he deserved. He comes off and dangerous and cunning adversary rather than reccuring glorified mook. My only complain is the ending. Metal blowing up. Again. 4 Scrambled (#37-40) - Part one already sold me with gathering of all grandmasters at one place, all wchich quavered in fear before Doctor like scolded children, all while Cubot and Orbot serve tea. Equally badass and hilarious, which is propably best way to sum up entire arc. Peppers artwork works great: his Snively's seems more ugly and pathetic that usual which really suits him. And every Eggman's expression is just plain hilarious when its not threatning. He even looks egg shaped! Each issue make you love doc more and more untill ending remind everybody that he a complete monster. Also: all scenes with Omega are priceless. 3 Mobius: 30 Years Later (#5-8) Penders 25 Years later was propably dullest story in archie sonic history. 13 issues of bad sitcom and then ending that didnt end anything. It was imposible to like. And then miracle come. Flynn made Lara-Su one of my favourite characters, and made me wish for more stories in future. It made me care for literally every character from King Sonic to Rutan. Good sense of humor, adorable way of writing children and married couples, and actual action: this issue had everything that original Penders work lacked. And it has Mysty-Re, random echidna named by fans, but Flynn declared her name to be canon, thats preety cool too. Not to mention it actually feels like arc, something that could be collected in hard cover more that any other arc,maybe except... 2 The Silver Saga (#25-28) When I think "epic" I think about this one. For start, artwork is gorgeus. Then there is Dark Enerjak, the baddest and coolest vilain in the comic. I cant even describe him, cause in his own words "he's someting to be experienced". Epic feel and sense of danger dont leave for a second. This comic removes all my fears that Flynn haters might be right. 1 Treasure Team Tango (#21-24) So seeing how Silver Saga is the baddest thing ever it seems to be impossible to write something better. And Flynn did it. By writing a goofy story. Cons: Rouge doesnt care about safety of Sol Zone. Pros: everything else. Yardley does perfect job drawing many characters at once, often with humoristic poses and faces (which is especially important for Bark since he cant speak). At the same time Flynn does perfect job of writing many characters at the same time. Its the closest to Blaze or Amy arc we've got and its quite satysfying. Even Team Dark fit into story despite being stereotypically serious characters.. Another cool thing is that characters never become a faceless punching each other crowd. They still think and know when to work together, when to run or when to drop explosives at their opponents. And ending is Bean the Dynamite at his finest. I might do the rest some other time.
  12. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Yeah, I made this one obvious. Maybe Blaze gets a question for a change?
  13. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Thanks, its just me or is Penders a main source of obscure characters for this topic? Sooner or later we'll do all guardians.. Hos about this: I was respected warrior, but one duel changed it all. I was exiled, and I had to join supervillain that made me stronger. .... Lightning who? No, I not Lightning! Never even met a guy.
  14. Who am I? Sonic edition

  15. Who am I? Sonic edition

  16. Who am I? Sonic edition

    She first appeared in games. Than in anime. Than in comics based on anime. Than Archie Sonic Off-panel. That Archie Sonic back-up story. That Sonic Universe. And finally in main story of Archie Sonic. Who is she?
  17. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Wait, I know its Scarabb, alien form issue 129. Very obscure character.
  18. Ken Penders Topic...

    I got one more reason to dislike Ken: Any body remembers mess that was know as Sonic Super Special Sonic Image Crossover? It starred Particle as hero and dr Droid as villain, characters neither from Sonic nor Image. Turns out Penders wanted to write his own comic called Lost Ones http://www.comicvine...ns/4000-172087/ The whole thing was one giant terrible advertisment for hiw own work that lasted an issue. How classy.
  19. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Tommy Turtle?
  20. Comics - When worlds collide

    1Ok that makes sense 2That was a mental leap on my part.
  21. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    Seems that Yardley will be writer, and it kinda looks like Team Treasure Tango. But as long as Marine gonna appear I just cant be pesimistic. So, Sonic got one eye and yet somehow wears eyepatch?
  22. Ken Penders Topic...

    I have list of reasons why I dont like him and proudly present them here: 1 all that suing archie of course. 2He clearly cares only about his small universe rather that sonic. he admitted never playing any games 3Terrible anti-climaxes (159 for example) 4He thought that killing Sally in endgame would be a good idea. 5He never read Flynn comic, and he wants to make them irevelant if he comes back. 6He claims he doesnt have to read them to know they suck cause "Dark Egg Legion" and "The Dark Legion I know, especially Lien-Da, would've had Eggman in any incarnation for breakfast." 7 Didnt read Bollest stories, wchich explain why Mina randomly became a freedom fighter in 152. Seems to be proud about not relying on others work. 8In MXYL Sonic and Tails dont like each other. Nothing to do with story, but what the hell he does what he wants.
  23. Comics - When worlds collide

    Still, cant believe Omega wont be even mentioned. get an off-panel appearance perhaps.
  24. Comics - When worlds collide

    I wonder if next 3 issues will be drawn by Yardley! and next 4 by Butler or something like that. Its cool that things are finally moving, but really? Copy Robot and Genesis Unit? What next Battle Bird Armada? I cant believe that of all robots, Sonic had to fight guy named "Mega Water S". Also its nice to see Blaze Woman, but I would prefer more of Team Dark. I want Rouge Woman! And Omega Man. I can't the only one thinking that! ♪Super fighting robot, O-mega-Man♪ How cool would that be? Nitpicks aside, solid issue.
  25. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Yes, I do. I think both are based on Clucker.
