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About Snowflake

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  • Gender Female
  • Location Snowpoint City
  • Interests Pokemon, Sonic, Anime, Video Games and tons of other stuff :3

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  1. Bah finals coming up too many... ugh... lazy... must not procrastinate... XO

    1. BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      BrayPlays (Formerly CyDra)

      I didn't study for any of my finals, not even for high school! I also slept 90% of my classes away and still passed! Lucky or smart? You decide!

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Whoa! I think the only subject I could do that for is maths. But I wouldn't do that well and my maths teacher would be pretty grumpy with me if I did

    3. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      My finals are TOO NEAR and everyday we have A GOD DarnED TEST.
