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About Max1996

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/07/96

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  • Gender Male
  • Interests 1. Good comics
    2. Good Mega Man games
    3. Good Sonic the Hedgehog comics
    4. Good Sonic Universe comics
    5. Using my sources to obtain information on Archie comics to reveal before issues are released.

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  1. It's just under two weeks since MM32's release. Where is it?

    1. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Please stop asking for it Max, You are going to maje shadow mad. So i'll explain, one mast time : We don't get them automatically, it's up to the people of the forum to send a version for the mods to upload it.

    2. Shadow


      I don't like to give warning points. Final Final warning.

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I don't think it's always up to the people on the forum, Locke. It just depends on when they get a copy
