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Everything posted by NegaMetallix

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    As I said, there's definitely gonna be some new adventures for Sonic before a Lost World adaptation happens. I'm pretty certain that they'll at least wait until after issue #300. As for new villains, I think there are enough to work with right now. The Naugus twins are gonna be hanging around for a while, Eclipse is still somewhere on the planet, the Deadly Six might actually become more interesting (rather than getting controlled by a certain other bald egomaniac) and Captain Metal is still functioning... I think. I'm not in such a rush to see more new villains. Maybe once the Freedom Fighters have encountered all the Egg Bosses, and other villains have been permanently(?), then some new ones can enter the fray.
  2. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    You mean after they've beaten Dark Gaia and unshattered the planet? Of course they're not gonna reboot the world again! That would just be dumb and unnecessary. What'll most likely happen is that Sonic and the Freedom Fighters continue to fight Eggman's forces during some standard adventures, eventually leading to Eggman discovering the Lost Hex (again), taking control of the Deadly Six (again) and kicking off an adaptation of 'Sonic Lost World'.
  3. Just one more week until I'm finally free from the shackles of "college". Hopefully, things will be looking up after that.

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Good lucj!

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Yay! Survive!

    3. Geoffrey St John

      Geoffrey St John

      So more free time soon?

  4. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    The new covers and solicits have returned! Time to get back into action with Total Ecl--er, I mean 'Shattered' Part 2: So yeah, once you know the truth, this "new character" ain't so new anymore. Heck, Ian Flynn even said that people started figuring it out within MINUTES!
  5. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    New cover and solicit time (finally)! This is for Sonic issue #285, the second part of 'Panic in the Sky' (AKA Sonic Unleashed's finale): Eggman controlling Chip (at least, temporarily)?! Now THIS I didn't expect. I'm excited to see where this goes. Not long until Dark Gaia appears, too.
  6. Killing time before the next comic

    According to Archie themselves, it's due to a "printing problem" on their end. Whether it's the legit reason, or an excuse for money issues, is still unclear.
  7. Gold the Tenrec discussion

    Well, we don't actually know where Gold was during Worlds Unite. She might've found a way back to Silver's time after 'The Silver Age', or she and the Professor may have been on Mobius when it fused with Earth, or they could've been on an entirely different world. That's the big problem with 'The Silver Age' ending on a cliffhanger; the only thing we know for sure is that Silver started hopping between worlds after that arc, and eventually encounters Sonic.
  8. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    With Issue #279's official release being pushed back AGAIN, I might as well post a new cover and solicitation while we're waiting. However, this isn't for another main issue or Sonic Universe. It's actually a special one-off issue for the 25th Anniversary of the Sonic series, called 'Sonic: Mega Drive'! (Spoilered due to image size) With all the hints of a more 'Classic-style' anniversary for Sonic this year, I guess it makes sense to set this issue around that era. It sounds like a promising read to me, so long as it reaches it's release date. (I'm sure it will though, since it's not really tied into the main comic series at all.)
  9. Pokemon!

    Hmm... I'm half-tempted to get SMD at some point, but it sounds like I'd be better off waiting for a price reduction. I've been a fan of the Mystery Dungeon spin-offs since the original 'Rescue Team' games and have been playing them ever since. I enjoyed Blue Rescue Team enough to get through the main game, but I don't recall ever completing it fully. The story was nice, simple and heartwarming, and I liked some of the character relations that were revealed over time. That said, it has NOTHING on the 'Explorers' games. I originally had 'Darkness' (though I now have 'Sky') and it's still my absolute favourite in the entire series. The characters, the music, the depth... it was just amazing to me! Sure, there are some parts that annoy me even now (you and your partner can't evolve until post-postgame, the hunger mechanic is a pain, and I REALLY don't like that 'mysterious wind' mechanic...) but it wasn't enough to distract me from the incredible story. Everything from meeting the Guild, to finding out who you were, to fighting Dialga, to the reveal of the TRUE mastermind behind it all. I loved every moment from it. With 'Gates to Infinity', I think the lack of features in places was what caused me to stop playing. I mean, only 5 choices of Pokemon? That was pretty unfair, especially since I wasn't a big fan of the Gen V starters. (...Well, back then, at least. I've grown to like them more now.) Because of that, I can't really say much about the story. I know that Kyurem plays a big part late in the game (seeing as this was around the time Black/White 2 were out) but that's about it. The last thing I remember doing in the game was getting Espeon and Umbreon on the team, then doing a bunch of side-missions. I guess I thought they would run out eventually, but they never did. So, I eventually stopped playing and never went back. I wonder, though: is it worth going back to? If so, I might try to pick it up again at some point.
  10. They probably just don't think too much about it. After all, it's arguably one of the more obscure Sonic titles out there. I don't think they'd have any valid reason to re-release it anyway; from what I've seen, fans are very mixed on whether it's a good game or not. I personally find the game to be pretty mediocre, honestly. While some elements are kinda cool (Metal Knuckles!), the overall lack of content (only 5 tracks and barely any alternate gameplay choices) and outright cheapness later on (namely whenever Super Sonic is an opponent) makes me lose interest pretty quickly.
  11. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    *IDW It is getting pretty ridiculous, but at this point we just have to find other things to do. (In fairness, the delay's giving me plenty of time to work on some of my other projects.) While handing the license to IDW may be a good answer if Archie do ever lose it, keep in mind that the original comic characters won't be making the jump too. Archie had to fight hard to keep the SatAM crew (Freedom Fighters etc.) in the reboot, and if they have to end it, then it's bye-bye to the whole Freedom Fighters aspect too. The key here is hope and patience.
  12. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Skye's pretty much summed it up, but this might help clear it up too: In-universe, the original Genesis Wave was a device used by Eggman in the old continuity to 'reboot' Mobius (but only Mobius Prime; the rest of the multiverse was unaffected), hoping that it would finally give him the victory he desired. This lead to the events of 'Genesis' in issues 226-229, set in an altered Mobius (but not related to the new continuity's Mobius). As usual, Sonic beat Eggman anyway, and used Chaos Control while Super to set the world back as it was (AKA around issue #225), but the Chaos Emerald that Eggman used for the original Genesis Wave somehow disappeared after that. It wasn't until the Emerald was found by Dr. Wily on Mega Man's world, and the two doctors teamed up, that another Genesis Wave was activated, this time affecting both Mobius Prime and Earth 20XX (maybe the Sol Zone too, but it's hard to tell). This pretty much turned Sonic's world into a pure 'games-only' version (i.e. no Freedom Fighters) and moved Mega Man's world into the future slightly, and kicked off the events of 'Worlds Collide'. The doctors' ultimate plan during this was to collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds and launch a Super Genesis Wave, which would affect the entire multiverse. Sonic and Mega Man beat them, but have to use another Super-powered Chaos Control to restore their worlds. Mega Man succeeds (sending him back before his world was affected) but Eggman prevented Sonic from successfully restoring Mobius to its original state. Because of this, Sonic's world is very different from before. Now the world is closer to the games in terms of events and continuity, but still has elements of the old world here-and-there, such as the Freedom Fighters and some other characters. But most (if not all) of them have been redesigned to fit better into the Sonic series. However, the rest of the multiverse (minus the Sol Zone) was completely transformed, with worlds like the Sonic Boom Zone now existing. Short version is, the Genesis Wave events ('Genesis' & 'Worlds Collide') are kinda just their own thing that happen to tie-in with later events.
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Just to help clear things up about the delays: Sonic #280 still has a while to get released, mostly because #279 still hasn't been physically released. Yes, that issue is already on the site, but that's because Archie did briefly release the digital version on time (November 2015). However, it (and Universe #82) were quickly removed for some reason, and both were delayed to January 2016. From what I've heard, though, this can be a common thing with comic books. Now, Universe #82 was released physically within the last few weeks, but Sonic #279 (and now, Universe #83) keeps getting delayed. As of now, these are the release dates: - Sonic #279: February 24th - Universe #83: Early March - Sonic #280: Late March Annoying? Oh, yes indeed! But I just thought I'd clear that up for everyone curious. Hopefully, things will get back on track by March/April.
  14. STH x MM: Worlds Align (Initial Ideas)

    Okay, I think I need to go back to the drawing board. Seeing as I've made a lot of changes between the original post and now, I think it'll be easier for me to start up a new topic. That way, I can bring you all the actual story instead of just changing it all the time. As for this one, I'd prefer it to just be locked. It's nice to look back at the early ideas, but I don't plan to expand on it anymore. Either way, I'll be creating a new Worlds Align topic later on, in which I will FINALLY start the story. But for now... rest easy, heroes.
  15. They Collided. They United. Now Their Worlds Must Align Once More… Yep, you read that title correctly. This is a little something I've been working on since about the middle of 2015. I loved Worlds Collide when it was released; it got me reading the Mega Man comic books, and while it did end with the Sonic reboot, it still kept me curious of what could come next. Add to that the Wily Egg still hanging around (or rather, below) in Blaze's world, and the thought of a possible second crossover got me intrigued. Then Worlds Unite happened and, while it had some cool moments, the overall pacing, character roster and last-minute additions from the SEGA/Capcom multiverse prevented it from being a worthwhile read for me. Since then, I started theorising on what a potential third crossover could be like. But with Sonic still busy fixing the shattered world, and Mega Man's continuing comic adventures in a state of uncertainty, I decided to start writing my own crossover ideas down. Now, before I give the synopsis, I should note that this is a four-franchise crossover between Archie Sonic and Archie Mega Man (or at least close to it), with certain characters and elements of Mega Man X and Sonic Boom. There won't be any other SEGA or Capcom franchises in this one, mostly to prevent having too many characters again (and also because I'm not too familiar with the ones that appeared before). Maybe if this ever becomes an RP, but not right now... With all that out of the way, here's what I have so far. (Currently just the backstory, settings and a list of characters): If all goes well, then I should be able to update this if/when necessary. So, any thoughts so far? Any adjusments/improvements that can be made?
  16. Question for the mods: Do you know if there's a way to lock self-created topics at all on the mobile forums? I can't seem to find any icon to do so.

    1. NegaMetallix


      Just the Worlds Align topic I made in the Writer's Block. I'm planning to make a new one, to provide the actual story instead of just the ideas and concepts.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Sure I'll lock it for you

    3. NegaMetallix


      Thanks. Now I can focus on getting this prologue done...

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  17. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Oh, he’s a new character... kinda. Him and the other Witchcarters (along with Wendy 'Witchcart' Naugus herself) were the villains of the game 'Tails Skypatrol' for the SEGA Game Gear. I don't believe they've appeared in anything since that game, though.
  18. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    *shrugs* Who knows. Probably doing work for other comics or companies. Anyway, I didn't actually realise that the main covers for "Panic in the Sky" are gonna be interconnected  (just like "Countdown to Chaos" was). In that case, the purple guy's probably just there as part of a 'villain ensemble' for the Shattered World Saga as a whole.
  19. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    This should be interesting, seeing as both this and the other Sonic story are pretty much ending the Shattered World Saga (at last!). And to think, it only took just over a year of world-building, along with a thrown-together crossover halfway, to reach this point.
  20. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Well, that's not entirely true. Don't forget about the other pre-Ian writers, like Mike Gallagher or Karl Bollers. But yeah, Thrash is usable either way. However, I don't think that's Thrash on the cover. Looks like one of the redesigned Witchcarters to me. (They're Wendy Naugus' henchmen, and they'll be against Eggman in the upcoming Universe arc, Eggman’s Dozen.) I don't remember his name, but he's on one of the "Eggman’s Dozen" covers. Though it's odd to see him here. Maybe something happens at the end of Eggman’s Dozen to explain why...
  21. STH x MM: Worlds Align (Initial Ideas)

    ...Aaaand now I feel like a doofus. After some last-minute thinking, I've decided to go back on removing Sigma. Unfortunately, this will mean that Mr. X and Boom!Eggman are no longer part of the main villain ensemble. (They'll still have roles to play in the event, however.) That said, the next post of mine here WILL be the Prologue chapter, so here's what you need to know: - Sonic and the Freedom Fighters have saved the world, and defeated the Deadly Six. - Mega Man has met Bass, and almost killed Dr. Wily after beating him once again. - X and the Maverick Hunters haven't heard from Sigma in a while, and fear he's up to something big. - The Sonic Boom heroes (minus Sticks) have been captured by a mysterious foe, and taken to an unknown location. Apologies for any confusion caused by this; I'm kinda new to the whole fanfiction thing. The intro post will be updated soon.
  22. So... this is Sonic's 25th Anniversary, otherwise known as a 'Silver' Anniversary. And it's been 10 years since Silver was introduced to the franchise. Makes you wonder...

    1. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Given what the vocal fanbases says about the Shadow game I doubt we'll get a Silver one.

    2. NegaMetallix


      Yes, very true. But what if Silver has some kind of role in a new story, maybe? I think it would be a missed opportunity for that not to happen.

    3. Darkie


      Silver needs to be used more in the story of the games, I like him a lot.

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  23. STH x MM: Worlds Align (Initial Ideas)

    True, but I'm sure that, deep inside, every mad scientist wishes to conquer the world eventually. If someone came to Boom!Eggy and told him that they could help him not only control the village, but so much more too, would he not be even somewhat tempted? In any case, I can assure you that Boom!Eggy won't be taking things too seriously. He'll realise when he's about to cross his moral line. Otherwise, what would be the point of regular Eggman being in this? (...Well, aside from the obvious partnership with Wily again.) ☺
  24. Gold the Tenrec discussion

    Maybe Gold and the Professor stayed there or headed back to Silver's timeline around the time Sigma started his plan. Granted, it's a long shot (and also kind of a moot point now that Worlds Unite technically never happened) but not necessarily impossible...
  25. STH x MM: Worlds Align (Initial Ideas)

    No worries. I will say that, with Boom!Eggman, he'll most likely be something of a middle-ground villain or anti-hero after a certain point in the story. As the description says, he’s mostly working with them on the promise of having total control of his world. But if anyone knows Dr. Nega well, it's gonna become pretty obvious that he's only using Boom!Eggman. That's not to say that Boom!Eggy will just be a laughing stock to both heroes and villains, though. I'm hoping to find a way of making him a decent threat, whichever side he's on, but not quite on the same level as Archie!Eggman or Eggman Nega.
