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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Ken Penders Topic...

    Lara-lee, Mara-su... Knckles just got very bad taste in Name.... Naming his girl after his mom and girlfriend? He could have gone with something like She-La . Now that would have original. And I'm not uncomfortable, don't worry. It's a necessary evil, as Penders and co(mic?) are for now part of Archie everydays New.
  2. Introduction Thread

    Harry potter? with such a nice name, he could novelize doctor who. But joking aside, welcome to the forum indeed ^^
  3. Last to post wins v3.0

    That"s perfect then!!!!
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Take all the time you need. nothing is really pressing at the moment." Said Locke. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You enjoy taking pictures Dylan. You enjoy it a lot." Said Glen.
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "So , you prefer to enjoy things ? That's a point of view ." Said Glen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "And what more would you want?What is this newfounds need hidden withing your heart?" Asked Locke.
  6. Ken Penders Topic...

    All I cared about the mobius X later was the relationship between the future guardian (cool clothed Lara-lee), and Rutan. That sounded like something to follow, had the series not been aborted.
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thank you shadow. being honest never hurt from time to time. and I wasn't drunk. you two were the one taking half a bottle.On the other hand though, I'd like to remember people that acting like that is part of my personnality." Said Glen. -------------------------------------------------------------- "It's alright Skye. Novelty is always hard to get used to at first."
  8. Ken Penders Topic...

    My life was way better without me knowing about this problem. But then, Some crazy fans decided to tire me with this day and night. Don't worry, it wasn't on sonic scanf.
  9. Last to post wins v3.0

    Do them all. Then I'll be happy.
  10. Ken Penders Topic...

    and here I though this would have been settled down As alternate cannon.... like penders does his own cannon, and archie Keep cool clothe Lara-lee.
  11. Last to post wins v3.0

    Well, just finish your plush craze. Then I'll take the flag.
  12. Hey cheery, any tips for a fellow game broadcaster? My stream doesn't even want to work....

    1. Shadow


      Good boy! What can I help you with?

    2. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Well, actually it's more to refresh me. what kind of video software are you using? I was going back to fraps, but if you have something better....

    3. Shadow


      Fraps and Xsplit for recording, Sony Vegas Pro and Movie Studio. Though I used Movie Studio for AMV's so not that much currently :P Camtasia Studio is good too but unforunately, the things you record with Camtasia Studio is that your recording will be .Camrec extension and can't be used anywhere else. Converting it to .Avi or anything else results in audio loss so I'm not a huge fan of it. I do own Audacity too though I don't use it very often.

    4. Show next comments  783 more
  13. Last to post wins v3.0

    Too bad.
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "And how am I going to do so in your eyes ?" ------------------------------------------------------------- "You never had to do so? But it's your life now. You are free to do As you please. and go any way you wish." Said Locke.
  15. Last to post wins v3.0

    Need more lien--da. NOW. but first, What finitevus is thinking of this. And boy am I agreeing with him.
  16. Last to post wins v3.0

    Well, he was still busy with Dimitri.
  17. Last to post wins v3.0

    And fini was busy "researching" some of the grandmasters' bodie. And putting Remington in his new status of rival grandmaster.
  18. Ken Penders Topic...

    Hey, at least, They had stories to begin with. A closure is needed for many, but some did not even had a story to begin with. Sorry Spectre.
  19. Ken Penders Topic...

    ->Fan -> Suggesting. So arty, I though of you as someone better than that. Listening to this kind of rumors... really? Beside, They are coming back, don't worry. And don't go on bumbleking hoping for more information like this. Saying bad things on someone like that can be a crime.
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "ah. AH. AH. I am sooooo laughing right now." Said Glen.
  21. Last to post wins v3.0

    you want some cute fini ? jusst wait for it.
  22. Ken Penders Topic...

    You read the thing ? They are coming back. When? We don't know. And that's all . They are coming back. This is the only thing we need to know. Just like toonami.
  23. Last to post wins v3.0

    It's still spectre. since at the time, dr finitevus was working with the Dark legion.
  24. Sonic Comics page

    I'm just saying that if the 124th one is just a reprint, then no problem! he can read an older one. And if he absolutly need this one, I'll gladly donate the one I have, in Cbz format of course.
  25. Ken Penders Topic...

    I think they will keep the original 25 years later, rather than the "alternate" one.... I hope. As for arty: Only three character are untouchable. And so far , only knuckle's mom as to be reviewed. So that mean knuckle might officially be an orphan.
